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词汇 get together
例句 It'll take a month to get together all the materials I need for my book.我要花费一个月才能收集好我写书所需要的全部材料。The subject of politics is out of bounds when our family gets together.家人团聚时,我们避谈政治。The locals get together every year to keep this age-old tradition alive.当地人每年都聚到一块儿,使他们古老的传统传承不息。The directors of both firms must get together on the question of fixing prices.两家公司的经理必须就确定价格问题坐到一起讨论。We need to get together to swap ideas and information.我们得碰碰头,交换一下想法和信息。Try to take time out and get together with the kids.尽量抽空与孩子们在一起。We still have to get together and thrash out the details.我们还得一起商讨一下细节。We must get together again some day.我们哪天一定要再聚一次。We must get together for lunch some time.我们一定要找个时间聚一聚吃顿午餐。We're still trying to get together the money we need to buy a new car.我们还在努力筹集购置新车所需的资金。The evening meal is a time when all the family can get together and discuss the day's events.晚饭是全家人可以聚在一起,讨论一天中所发生的事情的一个时候。Why don't we get together and pool our ideas?我们为什么不凑在一块把大家的意见汇集一下呢?They simply couldn't get together on matters of policy.他们硬是在政策问题上没有达成一致。The alumni chapter gets together once a year.这个校友分会每年集会一次。I'd like to get together with you soon.我期待和你早日见面。He suggested we get together for a drink sometime. I said I'd like that, and we left it there.他建议我们找个时间出来喝一杯。我说好,然后我们就换了个话题。He often gets together with his friends after work.他在工作之余常和朋友聚会。What's the topic of conversation when a group of new mums get together for a natter?一群年轻的妈妈聚在一起聊天时会聊什么呢?The two sides have been unable to get together on a new contract.双方一直未能就新合同达成一致。Supervisors get together to discuss their gripes.主管们聚在一起讨论他们的不满。We should get together sometime.我们应该找个日子聚一下。This is the only forum where East and West can get together.这是东西方可以聚首的唯一论坛。The two teams should get together and try to work out a joint solution.两个团队应该聚在一起讨论,以找出一个共同的解决方案。Shall we get together on Friday and go for a drink or something?我们星期五聚聚喝一杯什么的,如何?Let's set up a time to get together.我们找个时间聚一聚吧。Let's get together. I'll be in town next week. 我们聚聚吧,我下周会去你住的镇子。We should get together some time.我们什么时候应该碰碰头。Teenagers like to get together and go nuts on Saturday night.青少年喜欢在星期六晚上聚在一起做一些疯狂事。We're trying to get together enough money to buy a flat.我们正在想办法筹集足够的钱买一套公寓房。I don't know why you insist on dragging the past up every time we get together.我不明白为什么每次我们在一起,你就要旧事重提。We often get together and swap recipes.我们经常聚在一起交流食谱。Audiophiles like to get together to discuss who has what kind of high-quality audio equipment.音响迷喜欢聚集在一起讨论谁有什么高级音响器材。Do you think we can get together at Christmas?你认为我们能在圣诞节会面吗?The whole clan gets together for the holidays.整个家族聚在一起欢庆节日。They usually get together once a month.他们通常每月聚会一次。We usually get together with our friends for a booze-up at Christmas.圣诞节我们通常跟朋友们聚在一起痛饮狂欢。The festival was a great way for the local community to get together.庆祝节日是当地社区居民欢聚的一种好方式。You'll get together with your friends, right, and you'll be munching up or something.你要和你的朋友们聚会,是吗,还准备美美吃点什么。The amateur golfers from Europe only get together once or twice a year.欧洲来的业余高尔夫球手们每年只相聚一两次。If you're busy now, perhaps we can get together at another time.如果你现在很忙,或许我们可以另找时间见面。




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