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例句 It's obvious why his application was rejected.他的申请被拒绝原因很明显It became obvious that all her complaints were in vain.很明显她所有的抱怨都是白费口舌。It seems clear that he has no alternative.情况似乎很明显,他没有其他选择。It was clear that the dog had been starved.很明显,这条狗是饿着了。His footprints were clearly evident in the dust.他的脚印在尘土里很明显It became clear that the contractor had lowballed us on the cost of materials.很明显,承包商故意向我们压低了原料成本的价格。It's obvious that there's a very real chemistry between them.很明显他们俩是真的来电了。It was obvious that her husband completely dominated her.很明显;她丈夫完全控制着她。It is clear that the novelist has an eye to a Hollywood adaptation.很明显,这位小说家有打算将自己的小说改编为好莱坞电影剧本。He's clearly angling for a job/an invitation.很明显,他在拐弯抹角地想得到一份工作/一张请柬。It was obvious the patient was having great difficulty breathing.很明显这位病人呼吸极为困难。He clearly likes you, because he spent all evening talking to you.很明显他是喜欢你的,因为他整个晚上都在跟你聊天。You can see he's desperately jealous. It stands out a mile.很明显,他嫉妒得要命。The problem is very clearly getting worse.这个问题很明显越来越糟了。He went on protesting his innocence when he was obviously guilty.很明显他有罪,但他继续申明自己无罪。They said that the group was clearly going places.他们说那个小组很明显会获胜。It was clear he was being worn down by the rumours over his future.很明显他正被关于他前途的传言搞得意志消沉。It is clear that the primary duty of parents is to provide protection for our children.很明显,父母的首要职责是为孩子们提供保护。It was noticeable that they were not prepared to give the presentation.很明显他们不准备做这个展示。Their abomination of violence was obvious.他们对暴力行为的痛恨是很明显的。Obviously the plaster's just perished and all fallen off.很明显灰泥已脆裂老化,全剥落下来了。The victim had obviously struggled furiously against her attacker.很明显,被害者曾与袭击者拼命搏斗过。She was obviously digging at somebody.很明显地是在讽刺什么人。Mo did not want to be ruled by anyone and it is notable that she never allowed the men in her life to eclipse her.莫不想受任何人支配,而且很明显她从不容许自己生活里的男性光芒盖过自己。The author's antipathies and prejudices are obvious.作者的憎恶和偏见很明显His questions obviously rattled her.很明显,他提的问题让她感到不安。Apparently he's gone off with someone he met at a conference last year.很明显他和去年在一次会上认识的一个人好上了。Despite the athlete's lack of confidence, the odds are clearly in her favour.尽管这名运动员缺乏信心,但很明显她有可能获胜。She was distinctly lukewarm about my idea.很明显她对我的主意不感兴趣。Clearly, one of the objectives is to demoralize the enemy troops in any way they can.很明显,目标之一就是要用一切可能的手段打击敌军的士气。It was plain that Eddie wanted to get back to sleep.很明显埃迪想再接着睡觉。Her mouth was twitching, visibly palpitating.她的嘴唇在抽搐,抖得很明显The devotion they felt for each other was obvious.很明显他们彼此深爱着对方。She is obviously deeply sorry for what she has done.很明显,她对自己的所作所为深感愧疚。Obviously, I'm disappointed at the way things have turned out.很明显,事情的发展让我大失所望。He was obviously a city kid through and through.很明显,他是个十足的城里孩子。The implication was obvious: vote for us or it will be very embarrassing for you.言外之意很明显:给我们投票,否则有你好看。It was quite clear the President was being given false information by those around him.很明显,总统身边的人在不断向他传递错误信息。It became apparent that he had the presidential nomination locked up.很明显,他被提名为总统候选人已成定局。It was clear that Jenkins had something of his father's brilliance.很明显,詹金斯也有些他父亲的聪明。




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