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词汇 getting
例句 What are you getting at?你想暗示什么?When I left, Sally was getting chatted up by the barman.我离开时,萨莉正和酒吧男招待调情。What time are you getting your train?你赶几点的火车?The song has been getting heavy radio play. 这首歌频繁在电台播放。You are getting colder all the time.你猜得越来越离谱了。I'm getting a new car as soon as I can scrape together the readies.我一旦能凑足现钱就去买一辆新车。I just dropped by to see how you were getting on.我只是顺道来看看你过得怎样。Not getting that job was actually a blessing in disguise, because I have now got a much better one.没有得到那份工作其实是塞翁失马,因为现在我已得到一个好得多的工作。My French is getting better.我的法语水平在不断提高。It's getting late.天要晚了。We're not there yet, but we're getting close.我们还没到,但是快了。I feel like I'm getting a touch of flu.我觉得自己得了流感。She made a double-barreled announcement that she was both leaving the company and getting married.她发表了自己将离开公司并即将结婚的双重声明。I was falling apart. I wasn't getting any sleep.我要崩溃了,一直都没合眼。I was getting quite quick at designing websites.在设计网站方面,我学得越来越快了。Many companies are getting/climbing on the bandwagon and offering flexible schedules to their employees.许多公司也开始赶潮流,为公司员工提供弹性工作制。Cal is getting on a bit and doesn't play much golf anymore.凯尔有点上年纪了,不再经常打高尔夫球了。She's always getting into scrapes.她总是陷入窘境。She was getting irritated, so I backed off.她正在气头上,所以我不打扰她了。It's getting late. I think we should call it a night.天不早了,咱们收工吧。How are you getting along with your classmates?你和班上同学相处得如何? Although they were getting a divorce, my parents thought it was important to keep up appearances.尽管我父母在闹离婚,但他们觉得装得若无其事很重要。We're getting a new bathroom suite.我们要买一套新的浴室卫生洁具。The debate was getting too philosophical for me.对我来说这场辩论变得哲学味太重了。The hounds are getting close to their quarry.猎狗正在接近猎物。Suzuki hobbled around for about a minute before getting back in the batter's box.铃木一瘸一拐走了大约一分钟才回到击球区。He walked in on me when I was getting dressed.我正穿衣服时,他闯了进来。Sighing wearily, she began her routine of getting ready for bed.她疲惫地叹着气,又像往常一样铺床去了。You can't leave now! The party is just getting started!你现在不能走!聚会才刚刚开始呢!The trainer rubbed down the players after the game to keep them from getting sore.比赛结束后,教练给运动员按摩以防肌肉酸痛。He spent three years as a trainee manager before getting his present position.他在得到现在这个职位之前当了三年的见习经理。The days are drawing out as it's getting warmer.随著天转暖,白天也变长了。He intercuts scenes of Rex getting more and more desperate with scenes of the abductor with his family.他在雷克斯逐步陷入绝望和劫持者与他家人一起的场景之间相交切。You'd better be getting along now.你最好现在就走。The refugees left to avoid getting bombed.难民为躲避轰炸而离去。He had no job and no prospect of getting one.他没有工作,而且也没有希望得到一份工作。Old-fashioned names are getting popular again.旧式的名字又渐渐流行了。That boy's getting too big for his boots.那个男孩越来越自以为是。He would have no trouble getting a warrant of fitness for his car.他会顺利地获得一张汽车合格证书。You can kiss off any hope of getting tickets to the game.你得承认要弄到比赛票是没戏了。




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