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词汇 converted
例句 Corporate America is not about to be converted to the environmentalist cause.公司化的美国才不会投身去做环境事业呢。A lot of conventional farmers have converted to organic.许多用传统方法耕作的农民已改为有机耕作。The offices are situated in a converted warehouse.办公室是由一个仓库改建而成的。Energy is converted from one form to another.能源从一种形式转变成另一种形式。They bought a converted mews.他们买了座由马厩改建成的住房。My grandmother converted to Hinduism while living in India.我祖母在印度生活期间皈依了印度教。We've converted the spare bedroom into an office.我们把那间空闲的卧室变成了书房。I didn't use to like Indian food, but Cathy's converted me.我过去不爱吃印度菜,但是凯茜改变了我。Waste products have been converted to clean energy.废弃物被转化成了清洁能源。The house has now been converted into flats.这幢房子现已被改建为公寓楼了。Every spare patch of land has been converted into a vegetable garden.每一片空闲的土地都已被开垦成了菜园。A group of tables were converted into a makeshift stage.用几张桌子拼成了一个临时舞台。Nitrogen is converted into nitrates in the soil which plants can then use.氮转化为土壤中的硝酸盐,可被植物吸收。The integral garage had been converted to make another bedroom.内置车库被改造成了另一个卧室。Carbon dioxide is converted into oxygen through the agency of plants.二氧化碳由于植物的作用转化为氧气。The analogue signals from the video tape are converted into digital code.采自录像带的模拟信号被转换成了数字代码。We converted the attic into a bedroom.我们把阁楼改成了一间卧室。The nightclub is in a converted church.夜总会位于一座经过改建的教堂内。The system could be used to ensure that cars are converted to run on unleaded petrol.这一系统可以用来确保汽车得以改用无铅汽油。Her account has so successfully converted imagination into reality that there is little room for the reader to speculate, question or wonder.她的描述已成功地从想象变为现实,读者没有多少猜测、质疑或好奇的空间。The building can be converted to condominiums at the owner's pleasure.这栋建筑可以按照业主意愿改造成公寓楼。The stocks can be easily converted to cash.这些股票变现很方便。The mill has been converted into apartments.磨坊已经被改建成公寓了。We've converted the loft into a spare room.我们把阁楼改造成了一间客房。She converted her son to the pleasures of poetry.她使儿子开始品尝诗歌之乐。We were living in a converted watermill.那段时间我们一直住在一座改建过的水磨磨坊里。He was converted to the Darwinian theory of evolution.他转而信仰达尔文的进化伦。McCreary lives in a converted schoolhouse outside Charlottesville.麦克里里住在夏洛茨维尔市外一幢校舍改建的小楼里。You needn't bother telling us how recycling helps the environment, because you're preaching to the converted.你不必费口舌告诉我们回收利用对环境有什么好处,因为我们早就知道了。He was apparently quite converted from his anarchist views.显然他基本上完全放弃无政府主义的观点了。They now see their dollar-linked prices converted one to one into pesos.他们现在发觉他们那些与美元对应的价格被一一转换成了比索。The analogue signals from the video tape are converted into digital code.采自该录像带的模拟信号被转换成数字代码。East German wages were converted at the rate of one old East mark for one Deutschmark.东德的工资兑换比率是一个旧东德马克兑换一个德国马克。The factory converted to newer machinery.这家工厂更新了机器设备。Her photography studio was a converted attic.她的摄影工作室是阁楼改建的。The priest converted many natives into Christianity.这个牧师使许多土著居民改信基督教。They converted the spare bedroom into an office.他们把备用卧室改成了办公室。The explanation converted him to our point of view.经作说明他转而支持我们的观点。The machinery could not be converted, and so stood idle.机器不能改装,因此闲置着。The signal will be converted into digital code.信号会被转变为数字代码。




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