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词汇 get lost
例句 Once we're inside the cave, we must all keep close together. We don't want anyone to get lost.一旦我们进入山洞就必须留在一起,我们不想有人走失。It was a dark night and he was afraid they might get lost if they went across the fields.那是个漆黑的夜晚,他担心如果他们穿越田野也许会迷路的。No matter how well you know Paris, it is easy to get lost.不管你对巴黎多么熟悉,也很容易迷路。We'd better stay together, or we might get lost.大家最好待在一起,否则会迷路的。It was easy to get lost in the rambling house.在布局凌乱的大宅子里容易迷路。He gets lost in the twilight zone of video games.他沉溺于电子游戏的虚幻世界之中。He gets lost in his writing, the characters become him or vice versa.他常常一写就入神,以致笔下的人物变成了他自己,或是他自己变成了笔下的人物。If you get lost in the desert, that's your funeral.如果你在沙漠中迷路,那你可要倒霉了。I had a feeling we'd get lost, and sure enough, we did.我有一种感觉,我们会迷路的,果真如此。Bring a map in case you get lost.带张地图吧,以防迷路。It's easy for your main points to get lost in a long speech.在长篇演说中容易偏离要点。These are very important issues that must not get lost in all the details.千万不要只顾着那些细枝末节而忘了处理这些重要的事。Tourists often get lost and stray into dangerous areas.游客常会迷路并误入危险区域。I'll give you a map so that you don't get lost.我给你一张地图,这样你就不会走错路了。Anyone who will not use a map deserves to get lost.不使用地图的人活该迷路。Our greatest worry is that she'll get lost.我们最担心的是她会迷路。Stick to the main roads and you won't get lost.沿着大路走,就不会迷路。Keep a duplicate in case the original gets lost.保留一个副本,以防原件丢失。Because Mother is afraid we'll get lost, we aren't allowed to wander far.妈妈怕我们迷路,不准我们走远。She drew us a simple map so that we wouldn't get lost.她画了个简单的地图,免得我们迷路。I always seem to get lost in the underground.在地铁里我好像总会迷路。Sure enough, Mike managed to get lost.果然,迈克把自己弄迷路了。Stick to me,or you'll get lost.跟着我走,不然你会迷路的。No matter how well you know Venice, it is easy to get lost.不管你对威尼斯有多熟悉,还是很容易迷路。I told him to get lost and leave me alone and his tone quickly changed from obsequiousness to outright anger.我叫他滚开,不要来烦我,他的口气一下子就从逢迎谄媚变成了勃然大怒。Sometimes students' work does get lost or mislaid.有时学生的作业确实会弄丢或忘记放在哪儿了。It's easy to get lost in all the little alleyways and side streets.在这些小街小巷中很容易迷路。She was afraid she might get lost in the crowd.她担心自己在人群中迷失方向。I'm here all by myself and I know I'm going to get lost.这里只有我一个人,我知道我会迷路的。I'm slightly worried that she'll get lost on the way.我有点担心她会迷路。I told him to get lost and his tone quickly changed from obsequiousness to outright anger.我让他滚开,他的语气马上从谄媚变成了勃然大怒。Refugee children in the big camps just get lost in the shuffle and are sometimes left without food.难民营里的儿童未能得到应有的重视,有时甚至没有食物可吃。If you get lost while you are out walking, try to use the sun to orientate yourself.如果你外出散步时迷了路,可试试靠太阳辨别方向。Don't go too far afield or you'll get lost.别走太远,不然你会迷路的。The problem with letters is that they always get lost or take forever to arrive.写信不好的地方就是总是弄丢,不然就是很久才寄到。If you get lost just ask one of the locals for directions.如果你迷失方向,可向当地人问路。When a book goes into translation, all those linguistic subtleties get lost.当一部书被翻译成另一种语言后,所有那些语言上的精妙之处就都丢失了。If you get lost in the desert,calculate your direction by the sun and keep moving,then you're sure to get somewhere.如果你在沙漠中迷路了,就以太阳为方向不断前进,你肯定会到达某个地方。Hold my hand. I don't want you to get lost.抓住我的手。我不想让你迷路。




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