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词汇 Get
例句 Get your mucky feet off that chair!把你的脏脚从椅子上拿开!I told you. Get off the farm.我告诉过你,离农场远点。Come on, lazybones! Get out of bed.行了,懒鬼! 起床吧。Get several written quotations and check exactly what's included in the cost.要几份书面报价,仔细查对费用中包含的内容。Get your passport in order before you leave for your trip.旅行出发前把护照准备好。Get out of here and leave me alone!走开,别管我!Get plenty of sleep, eat lots of good food, and above all try to relax.要有充足的睡眠,多吃有营养的食物,最重要的是要尽量放松。Get a good night's sleep and you'll feel better able to cope.晚上好好睡一觉,就更有能力解决问题。Get as much information as possible.收集尽可能多的信息。Get your planes ready for escort duties.飞机待命,准备护航。Get me a drink and make it snappy.给我一杯饮料,快一点。Get on with life and don't sit back and mope.好好生活,别闲待着闷闷不乐。Get off your heinie and do some work.别总闲着,干点儿活。Get that man out of my bedroom!让那个人离开我的卧室!Get close to the microphone.靠近麦克风。Get a flock of Phantoms airborne and kill that ship now.马上派一队幻影式飞机起飞去击沉那艘船。Get yourself some grub and come and sit down.你自己去拿些吃的,过来坐下吧。Get ready. You're up next.做好准备,下一个轮到你了。Get on with your work, please. There's a lot to do.请继续你的工作,有很多活要干呢。Get your slimy fingers off my jacket.把你那讨厌的手指从我夹克上拿开。Get to know us using this organigram of the department's structure.可利用这张有关部门结构的组织系统图对我们进行了解。Get out of the way, you big oaf!让开!你这个大笨蛋!Get in lane early when turning off.转弯时应提早进入车道。Don't tell me you're cleaning the house on a Saturday night? Get a life, Hannah!别跟我说你周六晚上在打扫房间,汉娜,找点儿有意思的事!Get off those cakes, or there'll be trouble.别碰那些蛋糕,否则有你好看的。Get organized and get going.头脑清醒一点,马上行动吧。Get me onto the next plane for Frankfurt.给我安排下一班去法兰克福的飞机。Get out of my way, you big fat lump of a man!滚开,你这大个子笨蛋!Get out of there before you get dirty! 离开那里,以免弄一身脏!Get your kids involved in your local Scout group.让你的孩子加入当地童子军团队吧。Get there early to make sure you get your money's worth.早点到那儿以确保你的钱花得值。Get a load of this! Your stars say you are going to meet someone who's rich.你看这个! 你的星象说你会遇上一个有钱人呢。Get away from there.离开那个地方吧。Check the presentation. Get it properly laid out with a title page.检查一下外观,保证有扉页和合适的版式。Get your body moving to boost energy, stay supple and shake off winter lethargy.锻炼身体以增加活力,保持柔韧性,甩掉冬日的慵懒。Get out of here, and good luck, you poor sod.走吧,可怜的家伙,愿你交好运。Get a partner or friend to give you a massage.让你的另一半或朋友给你按摩一下。Get some exercise and get rid of some of that blubber!锻炼锻炼身体,把你那赘肉减掉些!Get back – he's got a gun!闪开,他有枪!Get back, you're blocking the way.往后退,你挡道了。




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