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词汇 Well
例句 Well, you would say that: you're a man.呵,你当然会这样说的,因为你是个男的。I was slightly flummoxed. Well, totally gobsmacked.我有点惊愕,嗯,真是目瞪口呆了! Well-meant advice can be more annoying than helpful.出于好心的劝告可能不仅没有任何帮助,反倒使人更厌烦。Well, you're staying. That's something, I suppose.哦,你留下来了。我想这已经很不错了。Well, that's a weight off my mind/shoulders. 啊,那让我如释重负。Well, you can tell him from me that I'm going to make a complaint.嗯,你可以向他转告我的话,就说我要投诉。Well, one thing led to another and we ended up at the police station.嗯,事情一件接一件,弄到最后咱们进了警察局。He wants to park his car on my lawn? Well, we'll soon see about that!他想把车停在我的草坪上?好,我倒要看看他怎么停!Well-developed language unambiguously supports sophisticated thinking.发展成熟的语言显然支持复杂的思维。Well, what shall we do now?那么,我们现在该做什么?Well actually, John, I rang you for some advice.这么说吧,约翰,我给你打电话是想得到些建议。She's an astronaut? Well, what do you know!她是航天员?啊,真想不到呀!Well, you can see what a numéro he is.嗯,你可看出他是个多么怪的人。Well, I could be wrong, but it all seems to add up.嗯,我也不一定对,但是一切似乎都讲得通。You see where Mira is standing? Well, he's behind her.你看到米拉站在哪儿了吗?嗯,他在她的后面。Well, you have your nerve. Who gave you permission to spy on me?嘿,你好大胆子。谁让你来刺探我的?Well, basically, it's a matter of filling in a few forms.其实也就是填几张表的事。Well, to sum up, what is the message that you are trying to get across?那么,概括来说,你想要传达的信息到底是什么?Well, we all have our little peculiarities, don't we?哦,我们每个人都有自己的一些小怪癖,不是吗?Well, obviously, we want you to be happy, darling.噢,很显然我们希望你幸福,亲爱的。Well now/then, how are we going to arrange things?那么,现在我们该怎样安排呢?Well, you could try apologizing to her - for all the difference it will make.好吧,你可以试着去向她道歉,尽管没什么用。Well, she's obviously a bad picker!很明显,她不善于挑选。People tell me that my business will never succeed. Well, I have news for them. I'm going to make a profit by the end of the year.人们说我的生意永远不会成功。那么,我要告诉他们,我今年年底就会盈利。Well, that's a matter of opinion.哦,那是个见仁见智的问题。Well, I must go now. I've lots of jobs to do around the house.好啦,我得走了,家里有很多事要做。Well, if you're stupid enough to skate on the lake, you deserve to fall in.嗯,要是你傻得到湖上去滑冰,掉下去也是活该。Well, for one thing, it's too big.嗯,一个原因是,它太大了。Well, I'm not very tall and my legs are short, so I always had trouble in the hurdle race.嗯,我个子不高,腿又短,所以参加跨栏比赛总是很麻烦。Well, hard luck, mate.哎,真不走运,哥们儿。Well, if you get tired of life in the city, you can always come back home.好吧,如果你过腻了城里的生活,随时可以回家来。Well, I guess it's time to hit the road.就这样吧,我想是时候告辞了。Well, there's lots of work to be done, so let's get stuck in.喂,有好多工作要做,我们快点动手吧。Well, what are you waiting for? Do I have to ask you for a kiss?那你还等什么呢?难道要我求你吻我吗?Well, here's your opportunity, Leona — it's providential.喔,利奥娜,你的机会来了,这是上天保佑。You can spare us a whole five minutes of your time? Well, that's big of you!你总共就给我们五分钟时间?哼,你可真大方!Well,say it were true,what then?好吧,就算这是真的,那又怎么样呢?Well, I guess it's all downhill from here.嗯,我猜从此以后就容易了。Well, lad, I hope you won't make the same mistake again!嗯,小伙子,我希望你不会再犯同样的错误!Well, blow me! I never knew this was where you were born.嘿,真没想到!我从来不知道这是你出生的地方。




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