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词汇 anticipation
例句 They had prim little smiles of anticipation on their faces.他们脸上挂着端庄而满怀期待的微笑。They hired extra police officers in anticipation of a big crowd at the concert.他们预料到音乐会将有大批的人来,因此就多请了一些警察。After months of planning and anticipation, the Florida trip was kind of a letdown.虽经几个月的计划与期盼,这次佛罗里达之行却有点儿令人失望。Troops in the Philippines have been put on full alert in anticipation of trouble during a planned general strike.因料到在有组织的大罢工期间可能会出现骚乱,菲律宾的军队已进入全面戒备状态。An atmosphere of anticipation vibrated through the crowd.期待的心情在人群中弥漫开来。The actor's fans were trembling with/in anticipation when his limousine drove up.当那位演员的豪华轿车开过来时,他的粉丝们都激动得浑身发抖。We waited in a fever of anticipation.我们在殷切的期望中等待。There is great anticipation over who the winners will be.大家都急切期盼着看谁会赢。We were breathless with anticipation.我们满怀期待,激动得快要无法呼吸。His eyes gleamed in anticipation.他两眼闪着期盼的光芒。They licked their lips in anticipation.他们舔舔嘴唇,满怀期待。Taylor was excited and full of anticipation at the prospect of the trip.泰勒很兴奋,对这次旅行满怀期待。We looked forward to this meeting with an upthrust of anticipation.我们以按捺不住的急切心情期待这次会面。Scottish rugby fans are licking their lips in anticipation.苏格兰的橄榄球迷正在热切期盼着。I had taken my coat and umbrella in anticipation of rain.我估计有雨,所以带著外套和伞。He will be attending next week's Grammy Awards in feverish anticipation.他将怀着热切的期待出席下周的格莱美奖颁奖。They were building boats in anticipation of the spring thaw.他们正在造船以迎接春季解冻期的到来。He was in a lather of anticipation.他焦急地期盼着。She's even decorated the spare room in anticipation of your visit.她预料到你会来访,连备用客房都装修好了。He took his umbrella in anticipation of rain.他预料会下雨,就带上了伞。They started off on the trip with a sense of nervous anticipation.他们带着一种不安的预感出发了。Following weeks of breathless anticipation, the winner was announced.经过几周的紧张等待,终于宣布了获胜者。 Her eyes grew wide in anticipation.她眼睛睁得大大的,充满期待。The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as we waited for the results.我们满怀期待地等待着结果。Your ruling emotion now is anticipation.你现在是满怀期待。We've chartered the aircraft in the hopeful anticipation that the government will allow them to leave.我们已经包租了那架飞机,希望政府会对他们放行。Meg was in a state of fevered anticipation.梅格处于一种兴奋的期待中。Investors were storing up a lot of cash in anticipation of disaster.投资者预料会出现灾难,正在储备大量现金。They were breathless with anticipation.他们在屏息期待。The workers have called off their strike in anticipation of a pay offer.工人们预料资方会增加工资,便取消了罢工。She felt her mouth watering in anticipation of the meal.她在等着吃这顿饭时觉得口水都流出来了。There is growing anticipation that the chairman will have to resign.越来越多的人预料主席将不得不辞职。She waited in eager anticipation for Robert to arrive.她急切地期盼着罗伯特到来。People are buying extra groceries in anticipation of heavy snowstorms.人们预计会有强烈暴风雪来袭,正在多购买一些食品杂货。We waited for the announcement with feverish anticipation.我们热切地期待着通告的发布。Our anticipation of our competitors meant greater sales for our book.我们比竞争对手抢先一步,这意味著我们书的销售量会更多。He looked forward to the party with anticipation.他期待聚会的来临。The audience rustles in anticipation.听众在期待中窃窃私语。He felt a thrill of pride/pleasure/anticipation.他感到一阵自豪/愉悦/期待。There's been an atmosphere of anticipation around here for a few days now.几天来这里一直有一种满怀期待的气氛。




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