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词汇 dangerously
例句 His blood pressure was dangerously low.他的血压低得危险。She was dangerously close to the fire.她离火太近了,很危险。His chair teetered back dangerously on two legs.他的座椅支撑在两只椅脚上,危险地朝后摇晃着。He asked Clinton about his tendency to live dangerously.他询问克林顿是否有过惊险刺激生活的倾向。He likes to live dangerously.他喜欢冒险的生活。Food stores are reported to be running dangerously low in the capital.据报道,首都的食品储备量很低,形势危急。He has always enjoyed living dangerously.他一直喜欢过冒险生活。This interpretation of the history is dangerously simplistic.这样解释历史过于简单化,十分危险。He drives very dangerously.他开车不要命。The water level in the Thames became dangerously low.泰晤士河的水位已低到了警戒线。The waters of the Yangtze River are dangerously high for the time of year.长江流域的水位每年这个时候都会处于危险的高位。The stock-market boom is dangerously unbalanced.股票市场畸形繁荣,暗藏风险。Tonight she felt like living dangerously.今晚她想冒冒险。Lewis was tried for dangerously discharging a weapon.刘易斯因为危险使用武器而受审。The plan was dangerously shortsighted.这项计划缺乏远见,会引起麻烦。The dial showed that the pressure had fallen to a dangerously low level.刻度盘显示气压已经下降到了一个非常危险的水平。The team is dangerously thin at wide receiver.该(美式橄榄球)队的外接手位置是个致命软肋。Stripped of their pretentious verbiage, his statements come dangerously close to inviting racial hatred.抛开那些夸大其词的冗词赘语不论,他的言论有挑起种族仇恨的危险。Tension in the area has reached a dangerously high pitch.这个地区的紧张状态已经达到了极其危险的程度。Some of the information on the website was dangerously misleading.网站上有些信息有误导成分,会带来危险。Stocks of coal are running dangerously low.煤炭储量已经降低到了危险水平。His voice was dangerously quiet as he asked the question.他问问题时话音平静,却隐含威胁。Wires were dangling dangerously from the ceiling.电线从屋顶上垂下来摆动,非常危险。Lewis was tried for unlawfully and dangerously discharging a weapon.刘易斯因非法和不安全的开枪而受到了审判。They came dangerously close to being caught.他们差一点就被抓到。The army's supply lines in the area along the southern border were stretched dangerously thin.部队在南部边境地区的补给线已经捉襟见肘,岌岌可危。The plane was flying dangerously low.这架飞机飞得这么低很危险。Rimmington denied that he was driving dangerously last night.里明顿否认他昨晚危险驾驶。The plane was dangerously overloaded.那架飞机超载了,很危险。A string of recent defeats has plunged the team dangerously near the bottom of the table.最近一连串的失利使该队排名跌至榜尾附近,处境危险。His poetry veered dangerously close to sentimentalism.他的诗风陡然转至近乎伤感多愁,这种改变很危险。Sean Connery insisted on living dangerously for his new film by performing his own stunts.肖恩·康纳利在他的新片中为求真实,坚持自己出演特技部分。The postponement of difficult decisions left the government dangerously exposed to American influence.迟迟不作难作的决定,使政府危险地暴露于美国的影响下。She had become dangerously underweight. 她变得瘦骨伶仃了。The coach rocked dangerously.那辆长途汽车危险地颠簸摇晃。The aircraft was dangerously overloaded.飞机严重超载。The bridge came dangerously close to collapsing. 大桥就快要垮塌了。He rushed downstairs dangerously fast.他以极危险的速度猛冲下楼。Some people like to live dangerously.有些人喜欢过冒险的生活。Their stocks of ammunition were running dangerously low.他们的弹药储备已经少到很危险的地步。




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