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The Danes made numerous descents upon the English coast during the 10th century.丹麦人在十世纪曾对英国海岸发动过无数次袭击。The Danes were the surprise winners of their group.丹麦队出人意料的从小组赛中胜出。The Danes won that UEFA tie in a shoot-out.丹麦人在点球大战中胜出,赢下了那场欧洲杯淘汰赛。A win for the Danes put them in the finals.丹麦队获胜进入了决赛。The Danes have environmental issues high on their agenda.丹麦人把环境问题作为重中之重。Fishermen from Bristol disputed fishing rights with the Danes.布里斯托尔的渔民与丹麦人争夺捕鱼权。 |