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词汇 defensive
例句 The invading forces put our army on the defensive.入侵军迫使我们的部队进行防御。He is extremely defensive about his work.一谈起他的工作他就变得极有戒心。Whenever anyone mentions women's rights, he gets rather defensive.不论何时有人提及女权问题,他就变得戒心重重。He's currently the best defensive player on the team.他目前是队里最好的防守队员。When criticized he was defensive.受到批评时,他为自己辩解。Why is he so defensive about his wife?他为什么老是这样护着他的妻子?He can be highly defensive and wary.他有时戒心很强、特别警惕。There's no need to get so defensive!完全没有必要如此有戒心。He did not once glance at his listeners and seemed fiercely defensive.他一眼也不看他的听众,看上去极为戒备。The government decided to join a defensive alliance with several other nations.政府决定与其他几个国家结成防御联盟。I was surprised by his defensive reaction to my suggestion.他对我的建议怀有戒心,我感到很意外。He plays defensive positions brilliantly.他的防守打得十分出色。The defensive team equipoised the opposing team's offense.防守方挡住了对方的攻势。Circumstances dictated that they played a defensive rather than attacking game.比赛形势决定了他们要打防守战而不是进攻战。There's no need to get so defensive. I was only making a suggestion.没必要如此戒备。我只是提个建议而已。He's on the defensive about his mistakes.他为自己的错误辩解。The government is ready to change its defensive posture to one prepared for military action.政府随时准备由防御状态转向备战状态。When we asked her about the mistakes, she became defensive.当我们向她问及那些错误时,她变得遮遮掩掩。She heard the blustering, defensive note in his voice and knew that he was ashamed.她听出他话音里的气势汹汹和自我卫护,知道他感到了羞愧。The team uses a variety of defensive coverages.球队使用了多种防守战术。The Government hastily organized defensive measures against the raids.政府急忙布置了防卫措施抵御空袭。The criticisms put the organization on the defensive.人们的批评使这个组织很被动。They were very defensive about their party's record on tax reform.他们为他们的党在税制改革问题上的记录百般袒护。The team was on the defensive in the early part of the game but they went on the offensive in the second half.这支队在上半场是防守队,但在下半场是进攻队。The Government hastily organized defensive measures against the raids.政府仓促组织防御应对突袭。He made several nice defensive plays.他做了几个漂亮的防守动作。He smiled, not wanting to put the man on the defensive.他笑了笑,不想让那个人产生抵触情绪。The troops dug in along the defensive line.军队沿着防线布防。The prince drew up his forces in a strong defensive position.亲王将部队布成坚固的防御阵势。The offense attacked the weak defensive line.进攻队员攻击了对方薄弱的防线。Their soldiers appear to be on the defensive.他们的士兵看上去处于守势。The union leaders adopted a more defensive position.工会领袖们摆出了更强的辩解姿态。The running back powered through the defensive line.跑卫迅速穿过对方防线。He got really defensive when I asked why he had left.当我问他为什么离开时,他非常生气。They lost the game after a defensive clanger.他们在防守上出现了一次严重失误,输掉了比赛。Sam dropped into a boxer 's defensive stance.萨姆变换到拳击手的防御姿态。He can be a bit defensive about his work as an artist.作为一名画家,他可能有点忌讳谈论他自己的作品。I'd always played a defensive game, waiting for my opponent to make a mistake.我总是采取防守型打法,等待对手犯错。Accusations are likely to put the other person on the defensive.控告很可能使对方陷入被动。Research involving the use of biological warfare agents will be used for defensive purposes.与运用生物战手段有关的研究将用来防御。




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