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词汇 opportunities
例句 Only in a completely classless society can there be equal opportunities for everyone.只有在一个完全没有阶级的社会里,每个人才可以享受平等的机会。The system is opening up business opportunities in emerging markets.这一体系正增加新兴市场的商业机会。Time and time again, women seem to lose out on promotions and career opportunities.妇女似乎一再错过晋升和事业上成功的机会。A lack of formal education will limit your job opportunities.没有接受过正规教育会限制你的就业机会。We need to be alive to new opportunities for our business to grow.我们要敏于发现企业发展的新机遇。Feminists sought legal reforms to ensure that women had genuinely equal opportunities.女权主义者设法改革法律以确保妇女真正享有平等机会。He sighed with despair at the thought of all the opportunities he had missed.想到自己错过的一个个机会,他绝望地叹了口气。They trekked out to the west coast in search of the mythical opportunities there.为了追寻传说中的机遇,他们艰苦跋涉来到西海岸。He is a champion of equal opportunities for all races.他是一个为各种族机会均等而奋斗的人。The law already denies entry to people in search of better economic opportunities.法律已经将那些逐寻更好商机的人们拒之门外。New opportunities are opening up for investors.各种新的机会出现在投资者面前。Closing the factory dried up local job opportunities.关闭这家工厂造成当地就业机会流失。Employers must provide adequate training opportunities.雇主必须提供足够的培训机会。The scheme is unlocking housing opportunities in rural areas.这一计划提供了乡村地区的住房机会。We're fortunate in having these opportunities. = We're fortunate to have these opportunities.我们很幸运,拥有了这些机会。Fangirls love shows not just for their good qualities but for the opportunities they provide to engage emotionally with what's on the screen.这些节目的年轻女性狂热爱好者喜欢的不仅仅是节目的高质量,也是因为这些节目为她们提供了与屏幕内容感情互动的机会。Job opportunities are severely limited/restricted at the moment.眼下工作机会非常短缺。There is a seminar on international business opportunities this evening.今晚有一个关于国际商务机会的专题讨论会。They say there's plenty of opportunities out there, you just have to look carefully and you'll find them.他们说,那里机会多的是,你只要仔细找就能发现。The expansion of state education brought new and wider opportunities for working class children.扩大公立教育的普及面为工人阶层出身的儿童带来了更多新的机会。Travel is a dream of mine, but a busy working life has restricted my opportunities.旅行是我的梦想,但繁忙的工作却限制了我的旅行机会。We are on the alert for new opportunities.我们留意着新的机会。They want to be on the alert for similar buying opportunities.他们希望及时关注到类似的购买机会。American companies are keen to scout out business opportunities in Vietnam.美国公司急着在越南寻找商机。A strong economy offers greater opportunities for social mobility.发达的经济为社会流动提供了更多的机会。The opportunities the job offers are many and varied.这份工作可以提供多种多样的机会。The opportunities are there to make a tidy profit.赚取丰厚利润的机会就摆在那里。The endless opportunities have self-destructed.无数的机会都白白错过了。I have an interesting, well-paid job, with opportunities to travel.我的工作很有趣,薪水又高,而且有很多旅行的机会。Lee agreed with Jackson that more opportunities should be created for minorities in film .李同意杰克逊的观点,认为电影行业应该为少数族裔创造更多的机会。The talk was about educational opportunities for adults, and the speaker also touched upon sources of finance.该报告谈的是成人的教育机会,报告人也提到了资金来源问题。The company had been slow to recognize the opportunities available to it.公司慢慢才认识到存在某些潜在的机会。Further enhancing the role of women in society would also protect those with the fewest opportunities.进一步增强女性在社会中的作用,也会保护那些机会最少的群体。Research opportunities exist in a wide range of pure and applied areas of entomology.纯理论昆虫学和应用昆虫学的众多领域都存在着研究机会。Compared to people living only a few generations ago, we have greater opportunities to have a good time.比起上几辈人,我们有更多机会享受生活。Women are sometimes denied opportunities solely because of their gender.女性有时会单纯因性别而被剥夺应有的机会。There aren't many opportunities in a small town like Levenford.在一个像利文福特那样的小镇,就业机会不多。There are fewer opportunities for new graduates this year.对今年新毕业的大学生来说,就业机会要少一些。The opportunities are unbelievable.这些机会真是太好了。All over the world women are demanding equal opportunities.全世界的妇女都在要求机会平等。




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