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词汇 fuming
例句 She's still fuming about/over/at not being invited to the party.她仍在对未受邀参加聚会感到愤愤不平。She was fuming with rage.她怒气冲冲。She smiled, but she was fuming inwardly.她笑了笑,但心底里非常气愤。Tracy was positively fuming over the loss of her phone.特蕾西因为手机丢了而极其恼火。I saw her a week after they'd had the argument and she was still fuming.他们吵架一周后我见到了她,她还在生气。He was still fuming over the remark.他还在为那句话生气。He was really fuming.他确实愤怒极了。He sat fuming over what he had just learned.他坐在那里对刚得知的事感到怒不可遏。She was still quietly fuming about Peter's remarks.她心里仍对彼得的话憋了一肚子火。She sat in the car, silently fuming about what he'd said.她坐在车里一声不响,对他刚才的话生着闷气。Hurry up or else he'll be fuming mad.快点儿,不然的话他会气得发疯的。Motorists are fuming over the latest petrol shortages.汽车司机们对最近的汽油短缺极为愤怒。The volcano was fuming.火山正在冒烟。We were all fuming at the delay.我们都对这次耽搁十分恼火。The volcano was fuming thick black smoke.火山正在冒出浓浓的黑烟。We sat there waiting for him, fuming with anger at the delay.我们坐在那儿等他,对他的延误愤怒不已。The candle is fuming.这蜡烛正在冒烟。




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