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Sue grew into a lovely young woman.休长成了一个可爱的姑娘。She developed into a wilful, difficult child.她长成了一个任性而又执拗的孩子。Deirdre grew up into an extremely good-looking woman.戴尔德丽长成了一个非常漂亮的女人。The branch grew into a tree that had magic powers.那根树枝长成了一棵具有魔力的树。After six weeks, the larva emerges as a fully-grown beetle.六周以后,幼虫长成了一只发育成熟的甲虫。Despite her upbringing, she grew into a healthy, normal adult.尽管成长环境不好,她还是长成了一个健康、正常的人。He has seen his little girl turn into a bright, beautiful woman.他看到自己的小女孩长成了一个聪明漂亮的女人。The small puppy quickly grew into a very large dog.小狗很快长成了大狗。The boys grew into men.这些男孩子长成了男子汉。The pumpkin had grown into a prize winning monster.这个南瓜已长成了一个庞然大物。He was a shy boy, but he grew to be a strong and confident man.他曾是个腼腆的男孩,但后来长成了一个坚强自信的男子汉。 |