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词汇 from home
例句 We were miles from home.我们离家千里。Mail from home is a great morale booster for our soldiers.对我们的士兵来说,家书可以大大鼓舞他们的士气。They enticed a young girl away from home.他们诱骗了一个少女离家出走。I felt the need to break away from home.我觉得有必要从家里出来。Her mother's continual nagging drove her into running away from home.她母亲无休止的唠叨迫使她离家出走。His father worked away from home a lot.他父亲经常出差。Many cottages are a home from home, offering microwaves, dishwashers, tvs and videos.很多度假屋都像自家一样,里面有微波炉、洗碗机、电视机和录像机。His frequent absences from home caused his marriage to unravel.他频频离家导致他的婚姻破裂。I have a brother, but he's away from home at present.我有个哥哥,但他现在不在家。Translators can now work from home, via electronic mail systems.翻译人员现在可以利用电子邮件系统在家里工作了。My job requires me to be away from home for five months of the year.因为工作需要,我每年要出差五个月。We had a great setup. On my days off, my wife would work from home while I took care of the kids.我们有很好的安排。在我的休息日,我太太在家中上班,我照看孩子。Customers didn't use to want to shop from home.消费者过去不愿意在家购物。New York felt like a home from home for Jim.对吉姆来说纽约就像是第二故乡。You are far from home free, and you'll have to find another way to try.你离成功还远着呢,你得另找方法试试看。 He ran away from home and lived rough on the streets until the police helped him get into a hostel.他离家出走,露宿街头,直到警察把他送进一家收容所。Some companies have welcomed the idea of employees working from home.一些公司对让雇员在家工作的想法表示欢迎。The manager of our department reported back from home leave last night.我们部门的经理昨天晚上休完探亲假返回报到。I am now far from home.我现在远离家了。I spend one day a week working from home.我每周有一天在家工作。She bundled away from home to catch the train.她匆匆离家去赶火车。He was spending more and more time away from home.他不在家的时间越来越长。When a child grows up and moves away from home, it can be hard for parents to let go. 当孩子长大成人从家里搬出去后,就此放手对家长来说不容易。They assented to his request to work from home.他们同意他在家上班的请求。We're about a mile from home.我们离家大约有一英里远。We are a long ways from home. 我们离家很远。Richard and Laura exchanged conspiratorial glances, for all the world like two naughty children who had wandered away from home.理查德和劳拉交换了一下会意的眼神,就像两个离家出走的顽皮孩子。Both of my sisters moved even farther away from home.我的两个姐姐都搬得离家更远了。We must not forget our boys serving far from home.我们不应该忘记那些远离家乡在外服役的子弟兵们。This hotel is a home from home.这家酒店是旅客之家。The dog wandered far from home.那条狗游荡到离家很远的地方。They were away from home, and in times of stress they felt it strongly.他们远离家人,面临压力时格外想家。He was a kilometre out from home when the storm struck.暴风雨袭来时他离家有一公里远。If you work freelance from home, your hours are completely flexible.要是你在家做自由职业,你的时间完全是灵活的。Her work involved repeated absences from home.她的工作需要她经常出门。Working from home would be an impossibility.在家办公是不可能的事。The little boy who ran away from home soon felt hunger.从家里出走的那个小男孩不久便感到饿了。Then he upped and ran away from home.然后他突然离家出走。She was surprised that her son wandered from home.她儿子离家出走使她吃惊。I set up my computer so that I could work from home.我安装好了计算机,这样我就可以在家工作。




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