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词汇 freed
例句 Hiring an assistant has freed him to spend more time with his family.雇个助手使他得以腾出更多的时间与家人在一起。He had finally been freed of his responsibilities.他终于摆脱了责任。The river was freed now of ice.河里的冰现在已经化了。During the civil war, he led a black regiment of freed slaves.在内战期间,他领导了一群被解放的黑人奴隶。The President issued a proclamation which freed the slaves.总统发布了解放奴隶的宣言。The press has now been freed from political control.新闻界现在已经摆脱了政治的控制。He freed his assistant from some of her chores.他免去了助手某些日常事务。Many of these young offenders should have been freed a long time ago.这些少年犯有许多早就应该被释放了。The hostages were freed in the commando raid.人质在突击队的突袭行动中获释。Japan freed the fishing captain's crew.日本释放了渔船上的船员。The act had a specific intent, to protect freed slaves from white mobs.这项法案有明确的目的,即保护被解放的奴隶免受白人暴民的伤害。His supporters are demanding that he be freed from prison.他的支持者要求把他从狱中释放出来。They were freed by their kidnappers unharmed.他们被绑架者释放,毫发未伤。She longed to be freed of her responsibilities.她渴望能卸下肩上的责任。The dolphins will be freed into the ocean once their injuries have healed.这些海豚受的伤一痊愈就会被放回海里。Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves.亚伯拉罕‧林肯解放了奴隶。They wanted to see the colonies freed.他们期待看到殖民地的解放。We have freed the lake from pollution.我们已经清除了该湖的污染。He was recently freed after serving a sentence for leading anti-government riots.他因领导反政府骚乱服刑,最近获释。It is not known how many of the people arrested in last Saturday's protests have been freed.上星期六抗议活动中被捕的人当中,有多少人已被释放仍不得而知。Create a new partition from the newly freed space.在刚释放的空间里创建一个新的分区。Modern woman has been freed from many of the duties that befell her sisters in times past.现代女性已经从许多压在旧时女性身上的责任中解放出来了。By scrapping this scheme, the government has freed vital resources.通过放弃这个项目,政府节省出了极为重要的资源。We have this definite certitude that Cicippio will be freed.我们深信西西皮欧会获释。The animals were freed from their cages.动物从笼子里放了出来。The inducement of philosophy was that it freed one from a sense of enslavement to circumstance.哲学的吸引力在于它使人摆脱受环境奴役之感。She was freed from prison through the agency of her doctor.在她的医生的推动下,她被释放出狱。His family are agitating to get him freed.他的家人在多方游说将他释放。The hostages were freed unharmed.人质安全获释。All the victims have now been freed from the wreckage.所有受害者都已从残骸中解救出来。The hostages were freed in the commando raid.在突击队的突袭行动中,人质获释。Tom was freed and given safe-conduct to a neighbouring state.汤姆被释放并发给去邻州的安全通行证。It is hopeful that two hostages will be freed in the next few days.两名人质有望于接下来的几天获释。We have freed up some staff to deal with the backlog of work.我们已腾出一些员工来处理积压的工作。With remission for good behaviour, she could be freed in a year.她因为表现良好获得减刑,可能会在一年内重获自由。Most political prisoners were freed under the terms of the amnesty.大多数政治犯按照大赦的条款获得了自由。She was freed from prison last week.她上周获释出狱。He expects to be freed quite soon.他期待很快就能获释。The prisoner is subsequently freed.这名囚犯后来被释放。The country was freed from the shackles of tyranny.这个国家摆脱了专制统治的枷锁。




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