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词汇 frames
例句 Most backpacks today have internal rather than external frames现在的背包大都采用内撑支架,而不是外撑框架。The window frames need painting.窗框需要上漆。Their belts are pulled tight against their bony frames.他们的腰带紧紧裹着瘦骨嶙峋的身体。The window frames are old and the wood is starting to split.窗框已老化,木头开始裂开了。Paula reached for her camera, guessed distance and exposure, and shot two frames.葆拉伸手拿过照相机,估算了一下距离和曝光时间,然后拍了两张照片。The sunlight mirrored itself on the silver frames.阳光从银质框架上反射出来。Thick spectacle frames don't suit me.厚镜框不适合我。The wind was tearing through gaps in the window frames.风通过窗框上的裂缝呼啸而入。Her new hairstyle frames her face in a much more flattering way.她的新发型把脸衬托得漂亮多了。He was wearing new spectacles with gold wire frames.他戴了一副新的金边眼镜。The frames are secured by horizontal rails to the back wall.框架用横杆牢牢固定在后墙上。Hand-paint all window frames, fascia, doors, and other trim.把所有的窗框、挑口饰板、门和其他装饰都手工油漆一下。He had all the window frames in the room remade.他把屋里的所有窗框都翻新了。The paint was peeling on the window frames.窗框上的油漆在剥落。The roof frames were constructed from thick, heavy timbers.屋顶框架是用又粗又重的木材建造的。I need to buy new spectacle frames.我需要买一副新的眼镜架。She lost the next two frames.她输掉了接下来的两局。We played a couple of frames of snooker in the evening.我们晚上玩了几局斯诺克。The window frames on the front of the house were badly warped.房子正面的窗框已严重变形。She mounts her work in simple black frames.她把她的作品镶到一个简易的黑色框中。She was wearing dark glasses with thick black frames.她戴了一副粗黑框的墨镜。He supplied housebuilders with modern timber frames.他给房屋建筑商提供了现代的木构架。How can Christians and atheists ever come to understand each other when their frames of reference are so different?基督徒和无神论者的思想观念差异如此之大,他们又怎么能相互理解呢?Two huge reinforced-concrete portal frames running from east to west are stabilized by the curved walls.两个巨型混凝土门式钢架横跨东西,弧形墙体使其保持稳定。Let's have a playback of those last few frames.我们把最后那几个画面重放一遍吧。The woodwork of the window frames is perishing.窗户的木框在烂下去。The film runs at eight frames per second.这部影片每秒有八帧画面。The picture frames were made of solid gold.画框是由纯金制成的。He didn't pot a ball for the next two frames.他在接下来的两局中一杆未进。He did not pot a ball for the next two frames.他在接下来的两局中一杆未进。I need new frames for my glasses.我需要换个新的眼镜框。The shop offers a wide selection of glasses frames to choose from.这家商店有各种眼镜架可供选择。The window frames need to be renewed.窗框需要换新的。Thick chipboard across the window frames blocked out the daylight.装在窗框上的厚厚的胶合板挡住了白天的光线。The technician advanced the film by a few frames.技术员将影片快进了几格。She disliked the stark brick walls and the steel window frames.她不喜欢光秃秃的砖墙和钢窗架。The frames are made of plastic and they tend to break quite easily.这些框架是塑料做的,很容易碎裂。The window frames had completely rotted away.窗框已经完全腐烂了。Early settlers built frames of spruce, maple and pine.早期的定居者用云杉木、枫木和松木建造屋架。He wears huge spectacles with thick tortoiseshell frames.他戴着玳瑁粗框大眼镜。




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