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词汇 for yourself
例句 You may be working for yourself but at the end of the day you still have to pay tax on what you earn.你可能是在为自己工作,但最终你还是要缴所得税。You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and just get on with your life. 你就不要自怨自艾了,继续过自己的生活吧。Try it for yourself, and you'll see what I mean.你自己试试就会明白我的意思。Complete the survey for yourself. Then ask a classmate the questions.完成这份问卷调查。然后问一个同学这些问题。You're laying up trouble for yourself if you ignore health problems now.如果现在不重视健康,就会为将来留下隐患。You have to learn to fend for yourself.你得学会自我料理。The great thing about working for yourself is that you don't have to answer to anyone.为自己做事,好处就是不必对别人负责。Make photocopies for yourself and send the originals to the finance department.给你自己复印几份,把原件送到财务部。It's no good feeling sorry for yourself. It's all your own fault.你自哀自怜没有用, 这都是你自己的过错。I don't know how you're going to get there. You have to work that out for yourself.我不清楚你怎么才能到那儿,你得自己想办法。You have to stand up for yourself and make up your own mind about things.你一定要坚持自己的意见,由你自己来决断事情。It took a lot of gumption to speak up for yourself like that.像那样为自己大声疾呼需要很大的勇气。There's nothing wrong with standing up for yourself.维护自身权益没什么不对。You can judge for yourself.你可以自己判断。I don't want to influence you. You must decide for yourself.我不想影响你。你必须自行决定。Taking responsibility for yourself is part of the process of growing up.承担起自己的责任是成长过程的一部分。I'm sure you can work it out for yourself.我想你自己一定会弄明白的。There is so much information you can almost effortlessly find the facts for yourself.资料这么多,你几乎可以毫不费力地找到事实真相。You have to stand up for yourself.你得捍卫自己的权益。You are laying up trouble for yourself if you don't abstain from beer and wine.如果你不戒酒,你就会给自己找麻烦。Stop blaming other people and feeling sorry for yourself.别怨天尤人,自哀自怜。Don't let others tell you what to believe. You need to learn to think for yourself.别让他人告诉你该相信什么,你得学会独立思考。Here are some tips to help you manage your expectations for yourself.这里有一些建议,可以帮你自行管理各种预期目标。You don't believe me? See for yourself.你不相信我?那你自己看吧。You should come and see what is happening for yourself.你应该亲自来看看正在发生些什么。You should judge of its merits and faults for yourself.你自己判断它的优缺点吧。You can't keep asking me all the time, Anna - you're going to have to learn to think for yourself.安娜,你不能事事都问我——你得学会自己拿主意。If you don't believe it, go and see for yourself.如果不信,你自己去看。You'll learn for yourself that it is true.你自己就会看到这是真的。It's no good sitting here feeling sorry for yourself.坐在这里顾影自怜是没用的。In this issue we show you how to create a signature look for yourself.我们会在这一期里向您展示如何塑造自己独特的风格。Don't let her get away with that - stand up for yourself.别让她就那样逃避了责任,你得挺身为自己辩护。It's all gone – see for yourself.都没有了,你自己去看看。Instead of sitting around feeling sorry for yourself, go out and socialize.与其坐在这里自我怜悯,不如走出去适应社会。You're so selfish. You don't give a damn about anyone except for yourself.你太自私了,除了你自己,你对谁都不在乎。You've made quite a reputation for yourself as a rebel!你作为叛逆者已经远近闻名了!Look after yourself properly while you are pregnant. These are some of the things you can do for yourself.怀孕期间要小心照顾自己的身体,以下这些事情是你自己能做的。Stop feeling sorry for yourself. 别再自哀自怜了。If you always give the children every thing they want, you will be piling up trouble for yourself later.如果孩子们要什么你就给什么,那么以后你就会给自己招来许多麻烦。Don't let them take advantage of you. Stand up for yourself.别让他们利用你,维护自己吧。




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