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词汇 Oxford
例句 She spoke of Oxford, that ancient seat of learning.她说到了牛津,那个古老的学府。Oxford and Cambridge are often seen as the creme de la creme of British universities.牛津和剑桥常被看作是英国最优秀的大学。When is John going up to Oxford?约翰什么时候去牛津?As the name implies, Oxford was the place at which oxen could ford the river.牛津这个名字的含义是牛可以涉水而过的地方。Instead of trying to eavesdrop, I tubed it up to Oxford Street.我没有试图去偷听,而是乘地铁去了牛津街。Oxford is an old university.牛津大学是一所老大学。Oxford is twinned with Grenoble in France.牛津和法国的格勒诺布尔结为姐妹城市。Oxford is famous for its university.牛津因其大学而闻名。When he was in the supermarket, he met up with a buddy he had at Oxford.他在超市遇见了他在牛津时的一个朋友。He was rusticated from Oxford for a term.他被牛津大学处罚停学一学期。She's a professor of history at Oxford University.她是牛津大学的历史学教授。Mary was graduated from Oxford.玛丽毕业于牛津大学。He was educated at Balliol College, Oxford.他上的是牛津大学的贝利奥尔学院。Should you ever find yourself in Oxford, I'm sure Uncle Eric would be glad to see you.你几时到了牛津,埃里克叔叔见到你一定会很高兴的。My father encouraged me to try for a place at Oxford.父亲鼓励我争取进入牛津大学。Judith studied classics at Oxford.朱迪斯在牛津学过古典文化。He read history at Oxford.他在牛津大学读的是历史学科。He was my senior at Oxford by two years.他在牛津比我高两级。How far is it from here to Oxford?这儿到牛津有多远?The headmistress was an Oxford woman.女校长毕业于牛津大学。The shops along Oxford Street were brightly lit for Christmas.牛津街上的商店为庆祝圣诞节而灯火通明。I'd not seen her since she went to live in Oxford.她去牛津居住以后,我就再也没有见过她。Oxford is full of tourists in the summer.夏季时牛津满是游客。Which university did you go to, Oxford or Cambridge?你上过哪所大学?牛津还是剑桥? Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University.克林顿是牛津大学罗兹奖学金获得者。Attlee was an Oxford man.艾德礼是名牛津学子。I was walking up Oxford Street.我当时正沿着牛津街走。Elizabeth met other Oxford intellectuals some of whom overlapped Naomi's world.伊丽莎白结识了其他一些牛津大学的学者,其中有几位娜奥米也认识。In Oxford, the two sides of town and gown have long been posed in opposition to one another. 在牛津,大学生和居民长期以来一直处于对立面。Oxford and its environs are worth a visit.牛津及其郊区值得一游。One paper based on research conducted at Oxford suggested that the drug may cause brain damage.一篇以牛津大学的研究为依据的论文指出,这种药可能对大脑造成损害。Oxford city centre is closed to all traffic bar buses and taxis.除了公共汽车和出租车外,牛津市中心不允许任何车辆进入。She fluffed her interview at Oxford.她在牛津的面试搞砸了。Oxford is above Henley on the Thames.牛津与亨雷比,在泰晤士河更上游处。We travelled to Oxford by coach.我们坐长途汽车到牛津。Oxford, as Evelyn Waugh astutely observed, is a city best seen in early summer.牛津城,正如伊夫林·沃的敏锐观察,初夏的时候最美。To her disappointment, they didn't go through Oxford but skirted around it.使她失望的是,他们没有经过牛津,而是绕了过去。Excuse me, does this bus go to Oxford Street?打扰一下,请问这辆公共汽车去牛津大街吗?The whole idea of going to Oxford intimidated me.一想到要去牛津大学,我就信心全无。Oxford rows Cambridge every year.牛津大学和剑桥大学每年进行划船比赛。




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