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例句 All forms of divination rely on the diviner being able to open herself to subtle levels of communication.所有形式的占卜都取决于占卜师打开天眼,看到细微的通灵迹象。Squares and circles are geometric forms.方和圆是几何图形。Minerals can be absorbed and utilized by the body in a variety of different forms.人体可通过很多不同形式吸收和利用矿物质。Clearly appeasement forms no part of her nature.她的天性中显然并无姑息的成分。Application forms vary greatly in layout and length.申请表在格式和篇幅上差别很大。The river forms the country's western boundary.这条河是这个国家西端的界河。The dog forms an association between the action and the reward.狗能把行为与奖励联系起来。To take advantage of this offer please complete the attached forms.要想利用这个报价,请填写附加表格。Simple forms of life have only one cell.简单的生命形式只有一个细胞。You can buy ready-printed forms for wills at stationery shops.你可以在文具店买到已印好的遗嘱单。Other forms of discourse have successfully been decoupled from politics.其他的话语形式已经成功地与政治分离开来。There are those who disapprove of all forms of gambling.有种人反对任何形式的赌博。He said that the whole world must unite to fight terror in all its forms.他说全世界必须团结起来,与各种形式的恐怖活动作斗争。You'll have to fill out the forms yourselves.你得自己填写这些表格。Sugar in chocolate and other forms of confectionery is one of the major causes of tooth decay.巧克力和其他种类的甜食中的糖是导致蛀牙的主要原因之一。The subjunctive mood uses distinctive verb forms.虚拟语气使用特殊的动词形式。I stand against all forms of cruelty, especially to children.我反对各种各样尤其是对待孩子的残忍行为。The Mississippi River forms a natural boundary between Iowa and Illinois.密西西比河构成了艾奥瓦州和伊利诺伊州的天然分界线。Sociology is today one of our major forms of self-awareness along with the novel, drama, etc.当前,社会学已与小说、戏剧等一起成为我们自知的重要途径之一。I'll get the forms off to you today.今天我会把表格寄给你。I abhor all forms of racism.我对任何形式的种族主义都深恶痛绝。Nomination forms must be signed by a nominator and a seconder.提名表格必须由一名提名人和一名支持人签名。Loans come in many shapes and forms.贷款有多种形式。The idea of cloning extinct life forms still belongs to science fiction.克隆已经灭绝的生物的想法仍旧只限于科幻小说中。Application forms are available on request.有申请表格备索。He forms the habit of getting up early.他养成早起的习惯。The ozone layer forms a shield against harmful solar rays.臭氧层形成了阻挡太阳有害射线的防护层。Mr Howard has declared that he is against all forms of racism.霍华德先生声明反对任何形式的种族主义。There is something about music that distinguishes it from all other art forms.音乐的某种特质使其有别于所有其他艺术形式。Le Corbusier was the most adventurous architect of modern times, always experimenting with new forms and structures.勒科巴西尔是当代最敢于创新的建筑师,他总是在探索新的形式与结构。The confluence of those two streams forms a big river.那两条小河汇流而成一条大江。What united the two groups was their hatred of fascism in all its forms.把这两个团体团结在一起的,是他们对各种形式的法西斯主义的仇恨。Even the most minor forms of misbehaviour were punished.即使是最轻微的不良行为也受到了惩罚。The river forms part of the border between the two countries.这条河构成了两国的一段边境线。The forms were distributed at random to people passing by.那些表格向过路人随意分发。He was a man of strong social conscience, who actively campaigned against poverty in all its forms.他是一个有强烈的社会良知的人,积极开展运动反对各种形式的贫困。The painting consists of a series of interlocking forms.这幅画是由互相扣住的图形组成的。Aerobics is one of the most stimulating forms of exercise.有氧健身操是最能增强身体活力的锻炼之一。The problem is I find most forms of exercise so tedious.问题是我觉得大多数形式的锻炼都很乏味。Punishments such as branding, castration and other forms of mutilation were restricted but not abolished.烙印、宫刑以及其他形式的致残性惩罚受到了限制,但尚未废除。




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