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词汇 Fourth
例句 On the Fourth of July, my husband and our friends drove into the city to see the fireworks.国庆日当天,我丈夫和我们的一些朋友开车进城去看焰火表演。They serve a mean Sunday brunch at the restaurant on Fourth Street.第四大街的那家饭店提供丰盛的周日早午餐。I had gone to watch the fireworks, one Fourth of July.有一年七月四日我去观看烟火晚会。He invited her to spend the Fourth of July holiday at his summer home on Fire Island.他邀请她去自己在法尔岛上的消夏寓所过美国独立纪念日。The Fourth of July parade was a real slice of Americana.独立日游行是典型美国文化的真实例子。A Fourth of July celebration includes a display of fireworks.七月四日独立纪念日庆典包括燃放烟火。The general did not have confidence that the Fourth Fleet would be able to fulfil its mission.将军对第四舰队完成此项任务没有信心。The prohibition against firecrackers was widely ignored on the Fourth of July.不许放爆竹的禁令在独立纪念日广遭忽略。We were relegated to the Fourth Division last year.去年我们被降到丁级队。




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