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词汇 for me
例句 I only wish he were here now that things are getting better for me.现在我的境况好转了,我真希望他能在这里。Everyone at the school was so cliquey, it was hard for me to make new friends.学校里每个人都很排外,我很难交到新朋友。These two dictionaries are the thing for me.这两本词典正合我的需要。Please write your phone number down for me.请把你的电话号码写给我。You promised to bring back a present for me. = You promised to bring me back a present.你答应过给我带礼物回来。The store's prices are too steep for me.对我来说这家店的价格太高了。No more caffeine for me, I'm pretty wired.不能再要咖啡因了,我已经很兴奋了。Flying is still a tremendous thrill for me.飞行对我来说仍是一个非常刺激的活动。It would not be appropriate for me to comment.我来作评论不合适。There was a surprise in store for me.有一个大惊喜等待着我。Just one scoop of mashed potato for me, please.请给我一勺土豆泥就够了。He ran those books over to the classroom for me.他替我把那些书带到教室。Scratch my back for me, will you.帮我挠挠背,好吗?Her paintings have/hold a real fascination for me. 她的画作令我十分着迷。The sleeves are too long for me.对我来说,这袖子太长了。Please cast up this list of figures for me.请替我把表上的数字加起来。It's not for me to decide whether you should quit your job.不该由我决定你是否应当离职。Moving to a place where I knew no one was a big leap for me.搬到一个举目无亲的地方对我来说是人生的一大转折。The other girls had mixed feelings, some of them were happy for me but some were jealous.其他女孩子的感情很不同,有些人为我高兴,有些人则很嫉妒。Is there time for me to wash my hair before we leave?出发前,我还有时间洗头发吗?Today can't go fast enough for me.对我来说,今天的时间过得很慢。Your sympathy and understanding is the best balm for me in my distress.你的同情和理解就是我在苦痛中最好的安慰。She should do what seems right to her. It isn't for me to judge.她应该去做她认为正当的事,我无权评判。Family members insisted it was okay for me to cry.家人们坚持觉得我哭没什么不对。He's too blokeish for me - always talking about football and cars.我觉得他太男人了——总是谈论足球和汽车。No dinner for me, thanks - I've been grazing all day.多谢,不用做我的晚饭——我一天都在吃零食。I have a full schedule all next week, so I'm afraid it won't be possible for me to see you then.我下星期的日程都排满了,恐怕这个时间无法跟你见面。This box is too heavy for me to lift.这个箱子太重了,我提不起来。That's rather difficult for me to explain.我很难作出解释。Fortunately for me, my friend saw that something was seriously wrong.对我来说幸运的是,我的朋友发现了非常严重的错误。She wouldn't tell me; she said it was for me to figure out.她不肯告诉我,她说由我去猜。It was thoughtful of you to make all the necessary arrangements for me.你考虑得真周到,为我作了一切必要的安排。The high point of the trip for me was visiting the pyramids.对我来说这次旅行最精彩的部分就是游览金字塔。He arranged for me to go down to London one day a month.他安排我每月去伦敦一天。My experience in the Peace Corps really opened doors for me when I started looking for a job.开始找工作时,我在和平队的经历确实为我提供了机会。Scott's doing some work for me at the moment, as it happens.斯科特这会儿正好在为我做点事。The moment had come for me to break the news to her.时候到了,我应该把这消息告诉她了。They didn't have the dress I wanted but said they would put one aside for me when they had a delivery.他们现在没有我想要的那条裙子,不过他们说有货了就会给我留一条的。Disarmament isn't a black-and-white issue for me.我觉得裁军问题不是一个黑白分明的问题。If one could quantify joy, it is likely that for me it would be a new car.如果能用数量来表示欢欣,那末我的标准可能是一辆新车。




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