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词汇 willpower
例句 He conquered his drinking problem through sheer willpower.他用强大的意志力战胜了酗酒问题。I don't have the willpower to diet.我没有节食的毅力。A poor, uneducated people does not have the willpower or knowledge to challenge an oppressive government.一个贫穷、缺少教育的民族没有意志,也不知道如何去反抗一个暴虐的政府。It took all my willpower to remain cool and tell him not to let it happen again.我竭力保持镇静,叫他不要再让这种事情发生。None can match your sheer willpower and persistence in wearing down the opposition.在消磨反对派的意志方面,没有人能比得上你那惊人的意志力和不懈的坚持。She made herself get better by sheer willpower, when everyone else had given up hope.当所有人都已经不抱希望时,她仅凭毅力恢复了健康。It took a lot of willpower to stay calm.要有很强的意志力才能保持平静。I'm no good at losing weight. The trouble is, I've no willpower.我总是减肥不成功,原因就在于我没有毅力。The dessert buffet tested my willpower.吃自助甜点考验了我的意志力。She managed to finish the race by sheer willpower.她完全凭毅力跑完了全程。Anthony sometimes felt that his mistress was his superior in willpower.有时安东尼感觉他的情妇比他更有意志力。He succeeded through an enormous exercise of willpower.他凭着顽强的意志力得以成功。It took all his willpower to stay in and study.他用尽全部的自制力才留在家里学习。It took a real effort of willpower to get out of bed the next morning.第二天早晨全凭意志力才从床上爬起来。It took all his willpower to remain calm.他竭尽全力才保持了镇定。I have no willpower.我没有意志力。I know I've got the willpower to do it.我知道我有做这件事的毅力。His success was due to sheer willpower/determination.他的成功全靠自己的意志力/决心。He doesn't have the willpower to stop smoking.他没有戒烟的意志力。His attempts to stop smoking by willpower alone failed.他多次想单凭意志力戒烟都没有成功。It takes a lot of willpower to give up smoking.戒烟需要很大的毅力。It demanded all the willpower I could muster.它需要我调动所有的意志力。He tried to summon the willpower to get out of bed.他拼命鼓足了勇气想从床上爬起来。




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