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词汇 an instant
例句 Mr Porter's book was an instant hit.波特先生的书一经推出便大受欢迎。The play was an instant success.此剧一上演即获成功。We both fell asleep in an instant.我们俩都是一下子就睡着了。He smiled back, which for an instant transfigured his unrevealing features.他回笑了一下,有那么一瞬间不动声色的脸上焕发出容光。I took an instant liking to her.我立刻就喜欢上了她。His mask of detachment cracked, and she saw for an instant an angry and violent man.他冷静超然的伪装破碎了,一瞬间她的面前出现了一个愤怒而又狂暴的男人。They took an instant dislike to the new neighbors.对于新邻居,他们一开始就不喜欢。The telegram asked for an instant reply.这封电报要求立即回复。He had taken an instant dislike to Rachel.他第一次见到蕾切尔时就不喜欢她。The Irish had cooked up tinned bangers and instant mash.那个爱尔兰人用罐装的香肠土豆泥做了顿饭。He often eats out at an instant Chinese restaurant.他常在一家中式快餐馆吃饭。The women took an instant dislike to one another.这些女人一见面就彼此厌恶。For an instant, Catherine was tempted to flee.有那么一会儿,凯瑟琳很想逃跑。For people who are sensitive, this may produce an instant feeling of nausea.对于敏感的人而言,这也许会让他们即刻感到恶心。She felt an instant rapport between them.她感到他们之间初次见面便一见如故。I slipped under the sheets and was asleep in an instant.我钻进被窝,一会儿就睡着了。He paused for an instant before continuing.他停顿了片刻才继续下去。The book was an instant success.这本书一上市就获得了成功。Sam took an instant dislike to anyone whom Ellimere so obviously seated next to him at dinner.不管吃饭时艾丽米尔刻意安排谁挨着萨姆坐,他立刻就会讨厌起这个人来。He hesitated for an instant.他犹豫了片刻。She paused for an instant and then stepped inside.她停顿了片刻,然后走了进去。I took an instant dislike to my new colleague.我一下子就对新同事产生了厌恶之情。Rage swept over him for an instant, but he quashed it.他勃然大怒,但立刻又把怒气按捺下去。He had taken an instant dislike to Mortlake.他一到莫特莱克就觉得不喜欢这个地方。They showed the winning goal again in an instant replay.他们即时回放了那个决胜球。It took me an instant to realize what he meant.我立刻就明白了他的意思。Just for an instant I thought he was going to refuse.我一时以为他要拒绝。For an instant his whole back was exposed.一瞬间,他整个背部都露了出来。Automation, commercial television, and instant foods have made America into a homogenized society.自动化、商业化电视和方便食品已使美国成为一个由多样向单一发展的社会。For an instant, I forgot where I was.我一下子忘了自己身在何处。Peter seemed to have an instant understanding of the most complex issues.就连最复杂的问题彼得好像也能立刻就明白。The pain disappeared in an instant.疼痛立刻就消失了。He became an instant celebrity with the publication of his first novel.首部小说的出版使他一夜成名。No matter what he is offered to eat he polishes it off in an instant.不管给他吃什么,他都能眨眼就下肚。The movie was an instant hit/sensation/success.影片一上映便立即走红/引起轰动/获得成功。The song became an instant classic and shot to number one.这首歌立时成为经典,蹿升到第一位。The show, despite some rough edges, was an instant success.虽然有一些瑕疵,演出还是一举获得了成功。The soap lathers in an instant and gives off an expensive scent.这种肥皂会立即起泡并散发出高雅香味。The programme brought an instant response.节目引起即时回应。For an instant I was infected by her fear.有那么一会儿她的恐惧也传染给了我。




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