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My heart started beating wildly like a trapped bird.我的心像一只被困的小鸟,开始狂躁地跳动起来。Peter was gesticulating wildly from halfway up the steps.彼得在楼梯半截处激动地打着手势。Teenage boys tend to drive wildly and often have accidents.十几岁的男孩子开车总是很疯狂,经常出事故。Figures quoted in the article are wildly inaccurate.这篇文章中引用的数字完全不准确。His mood can swing wildly from cheerful to angry.他的情绪能从兴高采烈突然变为勃然大怒。James began to undress wildly, tearing his clothes off as if he was on fire.詹姆斯开始发疯似地脱衣服,就像身上着了火似的把衣服扯掉。Something was thrashing wildly in the water.有东西在水里剧烈翻腾。The truck sways wildly, careening down narrow mountain roads.卡车疯狂地左右摇摆,从狭窄的山路猛冲下来。Share prices on the New York Stock Exchange often fluctuate wildly.纽约证交所里的股价经常暴涨暴跌。He was wildly angry when he heard what I'd done.当听到我的所作所为时,他怒火中烧。Diane squirmed wildly as Gavin tickled her.加文搔黛安娜的痒时,她使劲扭动起来。The fact that the new estimates are so wildly different from the initial numbers has created a credibility gap.新的估算和最初的数字相差甚远,这样的事实造成了信用差距。He struck out wildly at the police officers.他疯狂猛击警察。Reports of his drinking have been wildly exaggerated.有关他酗酒的报道极尽夸张。Traffic rockets wildly up and down the broad boulevards.车辆在林荫大道上如穿梭般飞速来往。He could feel his heart beating wildly.他能感觉到心在狂跳。He swung his fists wildly at his attacker's head.他疯狂地挥拳朝袭击者头上打去。She forgot her lines and ad-libbed wildly until someone rescued her.她忘了台词,胡乱地即兴发挥,直到有人给她救场。The man was gesturing wildly, but we couldn't understand what he wanted.那人拼命做手势比划着,可我们不明白他想要什么。The band is wildly popular in Cuba.这支乐队在古巴深受欢迎。He gesticulated wildly as he tried to make her understand.他使劲儿向她打手势,试图让他明白。He rolled over in the sand, kicking wildly.他在沙子里滚来滚去,狂乱地蹬着腿。The balance of power swung wildly from one party to the other.权力的天平急剧地从这个党倒向另一个党。The audience was wildly enthusiastic.观众热情高涨。He stumbled, clawed wildly at the air and fell backwards into the water.他绊了一脚,双手在空中胡乱抓了几下,然后仰天栽进了水里。The small boat tossed wildly on the high waves.小船在大浪中剧烈摇晃。Everyone was on their feet applauding wildly.每个人都站起身来热烈鼓掌。He stood on the stage, emoting and gesturing wildly.他站在舞台上,手舞足蹈、充满激情地表演着。Italian fans cheered wildly.意大利球迷狂热地欢呼起来。He struck wildly at the ball and missed completely.他狠狠地击球,但连边儿也没擦着。The spectators cheered him wildly.观众拼命地为他加油。He had a wildly extravagant lifestyle.他的生活穷奢极侈。As she finished each song, the crowd clapped wildly.她每唱完一首歌,人群就拼命鼓掌。She ran along, her arms flailing wildly.她往前跑,双臂一阵狂摆。The British press speculated wildly about his disappearance.对于他的失踪,英国报刊给出了各种各样不着边际的推测。She splashed about wildly, trying to reach the edge of the pool.她胡乱地拍打着池水,试图游到池边。The audience cheered wildly as the curtain rose.帷幕升起时观众热烈地欢呼起来。The missile veered wildly off course.导弹猛地转向,偏离了轨道。He cackled wildly at the thought.他对这个想法报以狂笑。He grappled wildly with a big tough.他与一个大个子流氓拼命搏斗。 |