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词汇 wilderness
例句 They're planning to build roads over thousands of acres of unprotected land/wilderness.他们计划在数千英亩无人看护的土地/荒野上修建道路。It was a wilderness of rubble.那是一片乱石。Settlers hewed a town from the wilderness.拓荒者在荒原上开辟出一个小镇。The wilderness is a living museum of natural history.这片荒野是一座活生生的自然历史博物馆。The surrounding country is a wilderness of sand.周围是茫茫一片砂石地。The botanical garden has turned into a wilderness.植物园成了一片荒野。She has created a garden out of a wilderness.她把一片荒野变成了一座花园。They would never have adventured into this dark and desolate wilderness.他们本来不该冒险进入这片黑暗的荒野。She had turned a wilderness of scutch grass into a garden.她已把一片长满茅草的荒地变成了一个花园。The south side of the city had become a lawless wilderness.这座城市的南部已成为法纪荡然无存的蛮荒地区。The city has become a lawless wilderness.该城已经是无法无天,一片混乱。Muir was an impassioned and persuasive champion of wilderness preservation.缪尔是荒野保护的激情洋溢的、有说服力的支持者。They can't survive on their own in the wilderness.他们没法独立在野外生存。From the time he was a child, the wilderness beckoned to him.从孩提时代起,荒野就强烈地吸引着他。Zen Mountain offers numerous wilderness retreats.禅山有许多人迹罕至的静修之处。They cleaved a path through the wilderness.他们在荒野中开出一条路。For so long he had waited in the wilderness for a recall to Test cricket.这么长时间以来,他一直在坐冷板凳,等着被召回参加板球对抗赛。They transformed the wilderness into a garden.他们把荒地变成了花园。I am heartily sick of roughing it out here in the wilderness.我真是过够了在这荒郊野外苦熬的日子。There's a whole genre of films about city-dwellers lost in the wilderness.专门有一类电影描述城市人在荒原中的迷失。Alaska is the last great wilderness.阿拉斯加州是最后一片大荒原。She enjoys hikes through the wilderness.她喜欢去旷野徒步旅行。The trail passes through a federally designated wilderness.这条小路途经联邦政府划定的荒野区。She survived in the wilderness by eating berries and trapping small animals and birds.她靠着吃浆果和设陷阱捕捉小动物和鸟,在野外活了下来。They set out to explore the continent's last great wilderness.他们出发去该大陆上最后一块未开发的大荒原探险。They traveled through a great stretch of wilderness.他们穿越了大片荒野之地。The garden's turned into a wilderness.这园子现已变为杂草丛生的荒地。He sat alone on the mountain, in communion with the wilderness.他独自坐在山上,融于这荒野之中。He has managed to bring his party back to leadership of Congress after years in the wilderness.他成功使自己所属的政党在野数年之后重新夺回国会的领导地位。We went to a wilderness outfitters to buy some new camping gear before we headed into the Rockies.去洛基山之前,我们去了一家野外活动专门店买了一些新的露营装备。The garden has become a weed-infested wilderness.花园已经成了一片杂草丛生的荒地。The wilderness campsite had its own peculiar enchantment.荒野营地有其独特的魅力。She was roughing it in the wilderness.她在野外过着艰苦的生活。They liked to take wilderness excursions.他们喜欢去野外远足。The eye ranged over an immense extent of wilderness.目光扫过一片广袤的蛮荒。French Guiana is a sparsely populated wilderness.法属圭亚那是个人口稀少的荒芜地区。Gammon Ranges National Park encompasses a rugged wilderness of mountains and gorges.盖蒙山脉国家公园范围内是一片高山峡谷遍布的崎岖荒野。He was sent barefoot wearing only a hair shirt into the wilderness as a penance.为了赎罪,他跣足褐衣,被流放到了荒野中。Ansel Adams’ photographs of the American wilderness are now worth thousands of dollars.安塞尔·亚当斯拍摄的美国旷野风景照现在价值数千美元。At times I felt I was a voice in the wilderness.有时我觉得自己是在荒野里呼唤,无人理会。




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