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词汇 fooling
例句 You are fooling away your money.你这是在浪费钱。They were fooling around and accidentally capsized the canoe.他们游来荡去,一不小心弄翻了独木舟。She found out that he'd been fooling around behind her back.她发现他一直在背着她乱搞。Don't look so worried - I was only fooling.不要那么着急,我只是在开玩笑。His rival was not fooling but competing with him for keeps.他的对手不是在跟他闹着玩儿,而是一本正经地跟他竞争。Billy is always fooling in class but the teacher will catch up with him someday.比利老是在班上胡闹,可是总有一天要受到老师处罚的。It's no good fooling yourself. He's not coming back.自己骗自己没有用,他不会回来的。He decided it was time to stop fooling around and settle down and get married.他觉得该结束游手好闲的生活,安定下来结婚了。I was only fooling.我只是在开玩笑。When she first told us that she was getting married, we thought she was fooling.她刚告诉我们她要结婚的时候,我们以为她在开玩笑。They were fooling around on an Army firing range.他们在军队的射击训练场里闲晃。Quit fooling around and pay attention.别再瞎闹,专心一点。I was not fooling, I was serious.我不是开玩笑,我是当真的。We spent the afternoon fooling around on the beach.我们在海滩上闲荡了一个下午。He's always getting into trouble for fooling around in class.他老是因为在课堂上捣乱搞笑而惹麻烦。He was fooling with the girl's love.他在玩弄那姑娘的感情。He was only fooling, he meant no harm.他只是在开玩笑,并没有恶意。The boys were out in the yard, just fooling around.男孩子在外面院子里玩耍。Stop fooling about, man.不要再扮傻充愣了,老兄。I've been fooling myself all along.我一直在欺骗自己。His wife discovered that he was fooling around with his secretary.他的妻子发现他与秘书有染。Someone had been fooling about with the controls.不知道是谁在瞎摆弄控制器。She was fooling around and we couldn't stop laughing.她搞怪逗趣,引得我们笑个不停。I was fooling around and I broke my arm.我在闲逛时弄断了胳膊。Don't be angry. We are just fooling.别生气,我们只是闹著玩的。What are you doing fooling with such a staggering sum of money?.你拿着这么一大笔钱瞎折腾什么呢?If you keep fooling around that gun you'll be leaving this camp feet first.如果你还要瞎摆弄那支枪,就得横着离开这个营地了。Stop fooling around and get on with your work.别吊儿郎当了,继续干活吧。Stop fooling around with the stereo.别胡乱摆弄立体声音响了。Have you been fooling around with something you shouldn't?你有没有做不该做的事?Maybe I was just fooling myself, but I really thought he liked me.也许我是在自欺欺人,但我是真的认为他喜欢我。Stop fooling with her affections.不要再玩弄她的感情了。His fooling around is a mask for his lack of confidence.他游手好闲是为了掩饰自己没有自信。He had been fooling around behind her back.他一直背着她鬼混。Her husband was fooling around.她的丈夫在外面拈花惹草。I heard screaming outside and thought it was kids fooling around.我听见外面有人尖叫,还以为是孩子们在玩闹。




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