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词汇 follow
例句 Long distance runners follow a different training programme from other athletes.长跑运动员的训练计划跟其他运动员的不一样。The drunk lurched to his feet and tried to follow us.那个醉汉猛地站起来,试图跟上我们。Maybe I can ride the bicycle and follow you.也许我可以骑自行车跟着你。It's impossible to follow all the twists and turns of the plot.要跟上情节中所有的曲折变化是不可能的。I was afraid to open the door lest he should follow me.我不敢开门,唯恐他还跟着我。If one sheep goes through the gate, the rest will follow.如果一只羊穿过大门,其余的都会跟着。Think for yourself, don't just follow the crowd.要独立思考,不要只是人云亦云。We didn't know what route to take/follow.我们不知道该走哪条路。A lot of the students here don't think for themselves, they just follow the latest trends.这里的许多学生不会自己思考,只会赶时髦。What one child does, others will follow.一个孩子做的事,其他孩子就会仿效。I'll follow you to the ends of the earth.我要跟随你到天涯海角。That was not my understanding of the regulations, and I resent your accusation that I failed to follow them correctly.我对这些规则的理解可不是这样的,而且我讨厌你指责我没有遵守规则。Turn left and then follow the signs till you get to the freeway.左转,然后跟着指示牌一直走到高速公路。She is writing a follow-up to her best-selling novel.她正为她的畅销书写续集。You have to learn to follow directions. 你必须要学会按说明办事。It takes a fair amount of concentration to follow the movie's labyrinthine plot.要非常专注地观看才能弄懂那部电影曲折复杂的情节。The document's ambiguous wording makes it very difficult to follow.该文件措辞暧昧,难以读懂。He says that the police failed to follow up on his complaints.他说警方没有对他的报案采取行动。After one airline lowers their fares, the other airlines usually follow suit.通常,一家航空公司降价后,其他航空公司会纷纷效仿。He wants companies to follow the European model of social responsibility.他希望各公司能够以欧洲公司为榜样,承担社会责任。We follow a simple accounting model.我们采用一种简单的核算模式。The road is closed ahead, so traffic will have to follow the detour.前方道路封闭,所以车辆只能走绕行道。It's hard to follow all the twists and turns of the plot.要搞懂这些迂回曲折的情节很困难。I'm afraid I don't follow.恐怕我没弄明白。We left him there to float off with the tide, and told him to follow the coast.我们把他放在那里,让他随波漂流,并且告诉他要沿着海岸线走。Students follow different syllabuses according to their ability.学生根据自己的能力学习不同课程大纲规定的课程。Now turn right to follow West Ferry Road.现在向右拐沿西渡路往前走。You have to learn to trust/follow your instincts. 你得学会相信你的直觉/跟着第一感觉走。Is this the best course of action to follow?这是可以采取的最好行动方式吗?Please follow me, madam.请跟我来,夫人。Where eastern Germany goes the rest will surely follow.东德怎样做,其他地方一定会效仿。Children follow the same pattern of physical development but each one at a different pace.小孩子身体发育过程都一样,但是发育速度却各不相同。Efforts to persuade the remainder to follow suit have continued.说服其余人跟着效仿的努力仍在继续。Turn left, then just follow your nose and you'll see the shop on your left.左转,然后一直往前走,你会看见商店就在左边。She beckoned him to follow her.她示意让他跟着。Just follow the signs for Bridgend.按照指往布里真德的路标走就行了。If you follow that idea to its logical conclusion, we'd have to ban free speech altogether.如果把那种想法的逻辑推理到极致,那我们就必须要完全禁止言论自由了。They follow minutely the news from abroad on Cable News Network.他们密切追踪有线电视新闻网上的国外新闻。In a good report, individual sentences knit together in a clear way that readers can follow.一份好的报告中,各单句之间衔接紧凑,思路清晰,读者很容易读懂。Details might have to be finalized at a follow-up meeting.细节可能会在后续会议上敲定。




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