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词汇 遭受
例句 She thinks that one will suffer fire and brimstone after death if he has done wrong.她认为一个人要是做坏事,死后就得遭受地狱里的磨难。She has closed her mind to last year's traumas.她不再去想去年遭受的创伤。She did all this tendon damage and it really disabled her.遭受这么严重的肌腱损伤,实际上是残废了。One more setback could break the company.遭受一次挫折公司可能就会破产。Few families were untouched by the war.没有几个家庭未曾遭受战争的创伤。The hostages were subjected to extreme brutality.那些人质遭受惨无人道的对待。Thousands of children in the world today suffer needlessly.当今世界上有成千上万的儿童遭受着不必要的痛苦。City dwellers suffer higher pollution levels.城市居民所遭受的污染程度较为严重。His business was irreparably injured.他的生意遭受了无法弥补的损害。There should be compensation for British farmers hit by the slump in demand.应对因需求下降而遭受冲击的英国农民进行补偿。Such statements give rise to the false belief that we are all under constant threat from terrorism.这种声明会让人错误地以为我们一直在遭受恐怖主义的威胁。Most Canadians acknowledge that the aboriginal people have had a rotten deal.大多数加拿大人承认土著居民遭受了不公平的待遇。But I have had a bad setback.可是我遭受了一次大挫折。In court she gave evidence about her torture, naming the officers involved.在法庭上她展示了遭受拷打的证据,提到了参与刑讯的官员的名字。The country suffered for many years under his dictatorship.这个国家在他的独裁统治下遭受了多年的痛苦。Despite the discrimination they suffered, my grandparents remained fair, decent, good people.我的祖父母虽然遭受了歧视,却依然为人公正,老实而善良。The drought was only one of many hardships to befall the small country.旱灾只是这个小国遭受的许多磨难之一。The effect was to starve many animals and those that preyed on them.结果是使许多动物以及捕食这些动物的其他动物遭受饥饿之苦。There could be grave consequences for the economy.经济可能遭受重创。Occupation troops put them in remembrance of their defeat.占领军使他们时时记起他们所遭受的失败。Thousands of children were poisoned by radiation.几千名儿童遭受辐射的毒害。Investors were badly hit by the slump in property prices.房地产价格暴跌使投资者遭受了沉重打击。She had every right to be angry about the damage to the house.房子遭受损坏,她完全有权利生气。It was damnably unfair that he should suffer so much.遭受了这么多的痛苦,真是太不公平了。US forces withdrew after suffering heavy losses.美军在遭受重大伤亡之后撤退了。Fear of rejection prevents many people from forming close relationships.害怕遭受冷落使许多人不敢与人建立密切关系。What had he done to deserve such a terrible fate?他到底做了什么,竟然遭受这样悲惨的命运?The economy will fall further, putting more jobs at risk.经济将进一步滑坡,使更多的人遭受失业的危险。I understand what you're going through.我理解你正遭受的痛苦。Walkers should stick to obvious paths, even if they are badly eroded.即使路面遭受严重侵蚀,步行者也应沿着显见的路走。All the cattle had been moved into stalls and we stood to lose little.所有的牛都已经赶入牛棚,我们几乎没有遭受什么损失。The end of his marriage left him emotionally shattered.婚姻的终结使他的情感遭受了重创。The town took a pounding during the hurricane.这个镇在飓风中遭受重创。Although this part of Normandy was badly bombed during the war it has been completely reconstructed.尽管诺曼底的这个区域在战争中遭受了狂轰滥炸,但之后它已经被彻底重建了。He received/suffered second-degree burns.遭受了二级烧伤。She suffered a good deal of misfortune over the years.多年来她遭受了巨大的不幸。Fighter planes inflicted heavy losses on the enemy.战斗机使敌人遭受重大伤亡。There were heavy losses in Britain's merchant tonnage during the Battle of the Atlantic.在大西洋海战中英国的商船遭受了巨大的损失。The special unit attacked at dawn, inflicting heavy losses.特别小分队在黎明时分发动了进攻,使敌人遭受了惨重的损失。The travellers were hunted by the pests.旅客遭受害虫的袭扰。




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