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词汇 遭受破坏
例句 The colonel forbade the use of artillery lest the city's industry be damaged.上校禁止使用大炮,以免该城的工业遭受破坏Most of the countryside has been left wild and untouched.乡村的大部分地方仍保持着蛮荒自然的风貌,未遭受破坏If you go further into the countryside, you will come across a number of unspoilt medieval walled villages.如果你再深入这片乡村地区,会看到一些尚未遭受破坏的中世纪带城墙的村落。The countryside is being destroyed for the benefit of the motorist.为了方便开车者,乡村却正在遭受破坏This is one of Africa's oldest remaining areas of unspoilt rainforest.这是非洲留存至今未曾遭受破坏的最古老的热带雨林之一。A vast amount of the Amazonian rainforest is being destroyed every day.大片的亚马孙雨林正日复一日地遭受破坏




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