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词汇 foliage
例句 The foliage was soft and feathery.叶子如羽毛般轻软柔和。The foliage branches from a basal rosette.叶从根生莲座丛中分出。It produces white, pink, or red blooms, with dark green foliage.它有深绿色叶子,开白色、粉色或红色的花。The roots may spread as far below ground as does the foliage above ground.地上的枝叶有多高,地下的根就可能有多深。The foliage was soft and feathery.树叶像羽毛一样轻柔。Cut the foliage back hard to stimulate new growth.要把叶子剪得很短,以促进枝叶的生长。The pool reflected her picturesque beauty, in its adornment of flowers and wreathed foliage.在花和树叶构成的花环衬托下,水池反映出她画般的美丽。There were two very large oak trees in front of our house with wide spreading branches and luxuriant foliage.我们家门口有两棵枝繁叶茂的大橡树。The tree snake's colouring enables it to blend into the foliage.树蛇的体色使它能与绿叶混成一片。Designs feature stylized flowers and foliage.设计以风格化的花朵和叶饰为特色。The fall foliage glowed red and yellow in the morning sunlight.树叶在秋日的晨曦中泛出红黄色的光。Sets of tiny buds appeared among the extravagant foliage.茂密的叶丛中出现了一批批细小的蓓蕾。The sun was not yet high enough to penetrate the thick foliage overhead.太阳升得不够高,阳光还不能透过头顶上方层层叠叠的树叶照射下来。The sun penetrated the thick foliage.阳光透过茂密的树叶。The valley was ablaze with fall foliage.山谷被秋叶映照得一片通红。Dig it up once the foliage has died down.叶子一掉光就把它挖出来。Pollution has stripped the trees of their foliage.污染剥光了这些树的叶子。The autumn foliage was spectacular.秋天的树叶非常美。The sun's rays could not wedge their way through the barrage of foliage.阳光透不过树叶的屏障。The foliage has a slightly astringent scent.这叶子带一点辛辣味。The dark foliage really shows the flowers off to best advantage.暗色的叶子最有效地衬托出花的美丽。




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