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词汇 fold in
例句 He sat quietly with his hands folded in his lap.他静静地坐着,双手交叉放在膝上。He lay on his back in a fold in the ground.他仰面躺在地面的一个低洼处。He sat bolt upright, hands folded in front of him.他笔直地坐着,双手在胸前交叠。The clothes were folded in a neat pile.衣服叠放成整齐的一摞。She hid the note in a fold in her robe.她把便条藏在袍子的一个褶皱里。These rocks were folded in part of the Caledonian chain.这些岩石的褶皱是在加里东山链中形成的。Her hands lay gently folded in her lap.她十指轻轻交叉着放在腿上。He took out the milk, and fold in an egg.他取出牛奶,把一只鸡蛋拌进去。That company folded in 1999.那家公司于1999年倒闭。His hands were folded in his lap.他双手合拢,放在腿上。The garden is in a beautiful situation on top of a fold in the rolling Hampshire landscape.这座花园位于地势连绵起伏的汉普郡的一处山岗上,环境十分优美。His clothes are all neatly folded in their drawers.他的衣服都整齐地叠放在他们的抽屉里。Gently fold in the whisked egg whites.轻轻地调入搅拌好的蛋清。Next, fold in the beaten egg.接着拌入打散的鸡蛋。




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