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The conscripts were treated as cannon fodder.新兵被当作了炮灰。The press conference simply provided more fodder for another attack on his character.记者招待会只不过是提供了更多的再次击他人格的口实。Good fodder fleshed the steers up.优质饲料使犍牛长肉。Union bosses used their members as cannon fodder in industrial wars that suited their own ambitions.工会头头们为实现自己野心,在罢工斗争中把会员当作牺牲品。The cattle battened on the plentiful fodder.牲畜靠丰美的饲料养得膘肥体壮。The poorly trained forces are little more than cannon fodder.那些缺乏训练的部队不过是炮灰而已。The tabloids have been using her love life as cannon fodder for years.多年来这些小报一直把她的爱情生活当作吸引读者的小料。We are not just voting fodder for professional politicians.我们不仅仅是专门为职业政客们投票的工具。Old movies were the cheapest broadcast fodder.老电影是最廉价的播放素材。The alfalfa plant is widely used as animal fodder.苜蓿广泛用作动物饲料。The stalks and leaves of corn are fodder.玉米的茎秆与叶是饲料。His antics always make good fodder for the gossip columnists.他滑稽可笑的举止总是成为八卦专栏作家的好素材。She often used her friends' problems as fodder for her novels.她经常把她朋友面临的问题作为她小说的素材。The alfalfa plant is widely used as animal fodder.苜蓿科植物广泛用作动物饲料。We mowed the field so as to provide the cattle with fodder.我们割地里的牧草以给牛提供饲料。Beet tops were left on the ground as fodder for a small flock of sheep.甜菜叶子留在地上给一小群羊当饲料。He became fodder for the tabloids when scandal after scandal was revealed.一个又一个丑闻被曝光后,他成了花边小报的素材。The murders made prime fodder for newspapers.这些凶杀案成了报纸的主要素材。All the left-over crops are chopped up and used as cattle fodder.所有剩余的庄稼都被剁碎,用作喂牛的饲料。The band has given plenty of fodder to tabloid journalists.这个乐队为小报记者们提供了大量的素材。The goats are penned in and fodder has to be cut and carried each day.山羊被关进圈里,每天都得铡草运料。Many cynical managers see employees as cannon fodder.许多自私自利的经理视员工如草芥。Alfalfa is a common fodder for cattle.苜蓿是一种普通的牛饲料。 |