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词汇 fly ball
例句 He corraled the fly ball in left field.他在左场接住了那个飞球。The runner at third tagged and tried to score on a fly ball to left field.三垒的跑垒员用脚触垒,试图凭借飞向左外野的高飞球得分。The outfielder misjudged the fly ball and it went over his head.外场手错误地估计了高飞球,结果球从头顶上越过。The fly ball nestled into the outfielder's glove.高飞球落入外场手的手中。She was retired on a fly ball to center field.她向中外野打出的一个腾空球使她出局。He hit a long fly ball to left field.他向左外野击了一个远距离腾空球。The outfielder backpedaled a few steps to catch the fly ball.外场手快速后退几步,去接那个高飞球。The fly ball looped high in the air.腾空球呈弧线高高腾空而过。He lost the fly ball in the sun. 阳光晃得他没看到那个高飞球。




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