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词汇 untimely death
例句 We express our deep regret at untimely death of your husband.我们对你丈夫的早逝表示深切哀悼。A poignant moment in the movie is the untimely death of one of the characters.电影里悲情的一刻是其中一个人物的早夭。Her untimely death caused a surge of feeling.她的早逝引起了一片同情。His untimely death was heartrending.他的早逝真叫人伤心。The president's untimely death has thrown the country into chaos.总统意外过世,使国家陷入混乱。His mother's untimely death had a catastrophic effect on him.他母亲的早逝给了他沉重的打击。I cannot tell you how much I deplore his untimely death.我无法告诉你对于他的英年早逝我是多么哀叹。




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