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词汇 flow
例句 The agency's efforts to reduce the flow of illegal drugs into the United States has largely failed.这家专门机构想要减少毒品流入美国的努力大部分都失败了。The floodgate was closed to control the flow of water.为了控制水流,防洪闸门关闭了。It was noted that the bending of the inlet pipe cause some flow asymmetry.我们注意到,单管的弯曲造成了气流的不对称。The new system should speed up the traffic flow.新系统应该可以加快交通流速。A hand-operated switch is used to regulate the gas flow.手动开关用于调节煤气流量。The mountain streams flow downward to the lake.山上的溪流向下流,汇入湖中。There is a block in the pipe and the water can't flow away.管子里有阻塞物,水流不出去。It was all irrelevant, but I didn't dare interrupt him in mid-flow.他说的完全不相干,可是我不敢中途打断他。They are carrying out research into the natural flow patterns of water.他们正在研究水的自然流动模式。The agreement controls the flow of arms to the continent.这项协议控制武器流入大陆。We've been receiving a constant flow of phone calls.我们一直在接接二连三的来电。Use a wide pipe to ensure an adequate flow of water.使用大口径水管以保证水流畅通。They are broadening the bridge to speed up the flow of traffic.他们正在拓宽大桥以提高通行能力。The songs flow seamlessly into one another.这些歌曲自然流畅地从一首过渡到另一首。Undesirable consequences flow from these misconceptions.这些误解造成了不良的影响。A subterranean stream is believed to flow underneath the town.据认为这个镇下面有地下小河流过。Massage may help to increase blood flow to specific areas of the body.按摩有助于增加身体特定部位的血液流量。He used a rag to staunch the flow of blood.他用一块布来止血。This allows us to off-load the grapes through the roof of the cellar and make use of the gravity flow.这就使我们能够从地下储藏室的顶部利用地心引力把葡萄直接卸下。I don't mind, I'll just go with the flow.我无所谓,我随大家好了。The new one-way system should help the traffic to flow better.新的单行道系统应该有助于使车流更加畅通。I liked the concerto for its natural flow.我喜欢这部协奏曲的自然流畅。The dam controls the flow of the river.水坝调节河水的流量。There's nothing I can do about the problem, so I might as well go with the flow.关于这个问题我无能为力,所以我不如就顺其自然好了。Her tears began to flow more freely.她的眼泪开始更加肆意地流淌。Large numbers of refugees continue to flow from the troubled region into the no-man's land.大批难民不断从骚乱地区涌入无人地带。We like to allow a free flow of ideas in our company.我们希望大家在公司里能自由交流思想。Eventually the roads cleared and the traffic began to flow again.道路终于变得畅通了,车辆又开始流动起来。The continual bombing disrupted the flow of supplies to the ground troops.此起彼伏的轰炸扰乱了对地面部队的物资供应。Eating too much fat furs up your arteries which slows down the flow of blood.摄入过多脂肪会阻塞你的动脉,减缓血液流动。We opened both doors to allow a free flow of air through the building.我们把两扇门都打开了,让空气在室内自由流通。She has her own way of thinking and she's not afraid to go against the flow.她有自己的思考方式,并不害怕自己不合潮流。The company is looking at new ways to generate cash flow.公司正在考虑各种促进资金流转的新办法。The steam flow is modulated by a control valve.蒸汽流量由控制阀来调节。He had to reach for the styptic pencil to stem the little flow of blood beneath his ear.他只好伸手去拿止血笔来止住他耳朵下面的轻微出血。We want to encourage the free flow of ideas.我们想鼓励各种思想的自由交流。American firms handed over technologies to their partners and then sat back to enjoy the cash flow.美国公司把技术移交给了合作方,然后就坐等着收钱了。Anything that could save the company money and perk up its cash flow was examined.任何能节省公司成本并增加流动资金的办法都被认真研究过。Unchallenged wisdoms flow swiftly among the middle classes.公认的至理名言在中产阶级中迅速传播开来。Some of these changes will flow directly from the legislation.这些变化中有一些将会直接来自于立法。




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