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词汇 flourished
例句 The transplant flourished in new soil.移栽的植物在新土壤里生长茂盛。Unfettered by the bounds of reality, my imagination flourished.跳出现实的束缚以后,我的想象力爆发了。Christianity still flourished there, despite the official state doctrine of atheism.尽管官方宣扬无神论,但基督教在那里仍很盛行。Malls flourished at the expense of small stores downtown.大型购物商场繁荣兴盛,而市区小商店的利益却受到了损害。Some of these species have flourished, whereas others have struggled.这些物种有的生机勃勃,而另一些却生存艰难。Art and literature flourished and this set the pattern for the whole of Europe.艺术和文学的兴盛为整个欧洲树立了典范。She flourished her clenched fist at him.她对他挥舞握紧的拳头。These civilizations flourished while Europeans were still savages living in caves.当欧洲人还未开化住在山洞里的时候,这些文明已经处在发达的时期。Art flourished in that period.那个时期艺术十分繁荣。He flourished the glass to emphasize the point.他挥动手中的杯子来强调这一点。The school has flourished under the leadership of Mr Levi.学校在莱维先生的领导下办得有声有色。The scholar never flourished his knowledge.那位学者从不炫耀知识。Shipping and commerce flourished as never before.航运业和商业空前地繁荣起来。He flourished his clenched fist at her.他对她挥舞握紧的拳头。Their business flourished when they moved downtown.他们搬到市中心后生意就兴隆了。The museum has flourished under her directorship.博物馆在她的董事任期内蓬勃发展。In the more sympathetic atmosphere at Jordan, Frentzen has flourished.约旦的环境氛围更适宜,弗伦岑在这里如鱼得水。Regional markets have flourished in recent years.近年来区域性市场非常兴隆。These trees once flourished over much of North America.这些树木曾经在北美洲的大部分地区茂盛地生长。Under her care the plant flourished.在她的用心照料下,这株植物长得枝繁叶茂。




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