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词汇 燃料价格
例句 Fuel prices are expected to rise as the summer travel season kicks/moves into high gear.由于夏天旅游旺季即将来临,燃料价格有望迅速上涨。The airline's biggest headache is the increase in the price of aviation fuel.最令这家航空公司头疼的是飞机燃料价格的上涨。They've upped taxi fares because of the rise in fuel prices.由于燃料价格上涨,他们提高了出租车费。Rising fuel costs have forced many airlines to put up the price of air tickets.不断上涨的燃料价格已迫使许多航空公司提高了机票价。Fuel prices have become more stable after several increases last year.燃料价格经过去年数次上涨后已稳定了许多。Fuel prices have remained level for the last few months.燃料价格在过去的几个月里保持不变。Rising dependence on imported oil would open the doors to higher fuel prices.越是依赖进口石油,燃料价格就越涨。Running costs are coming down because of cheaper fuel.燃料价格下来了,运营费用也会跟着下降。She predicts that fuel prices will remain at current levels.她预计燃料价格会保持现有水平。Fuel prices are cripplingly high.燃料价格太高,令人难以承受。Higher fuel prices will lead to increased costs for car owners.燃料价格的上升会导致车主的日常开支增加。Fuel prices have gone out of sight.燃料价格已涨得非常高。Fuel prices could rise still further in the coming months.燃料价格可能会在未来几个月里进一步上涨。The airline's biggest headache is the increase in the price of aviation fuel.令航空公司最头痛的事就是航空燃料价格的上涨。I see they've put up the price of fuel again.我知道他们又提高了燃料价格Clearly, the cost of fuel has an influence on what sort of car someone buys.显然,燃料价格影响着人们购买什么样的汽车。The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably.吃穿的费用近年来下降了。 同样地,燃料价格也有大幅回落。




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