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The noise of the car startled the birds and the whole flock flew up into the air.汽车声把一大群鸟惊吓得呼啦啦地飞了起来。She flew out to see her son in hospital.她乘飞机去看她正在住院的儿子。Airplanes flew across the sky above us.飞机从我们的上方飞过。A large bird flew past us.一只大鸟从我们这儿飞过。They flew from New York to New Delhi via Frankfurt.他们乘飞机从纽约取道法兰克福前往新德里。The new jet flew much higher than most planes.这种新的喷气式飞机飞得比大多数飞机都高很多。When we accused him of lying, he flew into a rage.我们说他撒谎,他气得跳了起来。Then the first dog, recovering, flew at the horse's breast.然后第一只狗恢复了些体力,扑向那匹马的前胸。He flew off the handle at the slightest thing.他为一点小事就大发脾气。Spray flew up onto the rocks.水花飞溅到岩石上。As the planes flew over, Selim could see the Russian markings on their wings.飞机从上空飞过,塞利姆能看到机翼上有俄罗斯的标记。He flew off his bike and somersaulted over the bushes.他从自行车上飞了出去,翻过了灌木丛。The trapeze artists flew through the air effortlessly.高空秋千演员毫不费力地从空中飞过。The next day he flew back to Paris.第二天他飞回了巴黎。The car crashed when the wheel flew off.当车轮突然脱开时,汽车撞毁了。The door flew open and Ruth stormed in.门猛地打开了,鲁思气冲冲地跑了进去。His confidence now flew out of the window.这一来他的信心消失殆尽了。We took the train to Paris, but flew back.我们坐火车去巴黎,但乘飞机回来。Legend had it he flew through the air on a winged beast.传说他骑着一头有翼的野兽飞过天空。All of a sudden, the bedroom window flew open.突然间,卧室的窗户开了。She is learning to fly and she flew her first solo yesterday.她正在学习驾驶飞机,昨天完成了她的首次单飞。As we flew into the airport, we could see a murky yellow smog hovering over the city.我们飞进机场时,可以看到一层黄色的雾霾笼罩在城市上空。Without consulting his colleagues he flew from Lisbon to Split.他没和同事商议,就从里斯本飞到了斯普利特。Journalists flew in on a privately chartered plane.记者乘坐私人包机来。Local militiamen shot down a federal army helicopter as it flew over the capital.一架联邦军用直升机飞过州府上空的时候,当地民兵将它击落。They flew to California for vacation.他们乘飞机去加利福尼亚州度假。The bird took fright and flew away.鸟儿受了惊吓,飞走了。A small bird flapped its wings furiously and flew off.一只小鸟用力扑扇翅膀,向上飞去。The ball flew by with a whoosh.球嗖的一声飞过去。As we flew over the mountains we could see that there were snowy peaks beneath.我们飞过群山时看到了底下被雪覆盖著的山巅。The rooks flew clumsily towards their nests.那些秃鼻乌鸦笨拙地向巢飞去。Birds flew in circles above the lake.鸟儿在湖上盘旋飞翔。We flew in to Munich and from there we took the train to Prague.我们乘飞机到慕尼黑,从那里我们再乘火车去布拉格。The door to Brody's office flew open.布洛迪的办公室门忽地开了。Ellen flew to Chicago by way of Minneapolis.艾伦经由明尼阿波利斯飞往芝加哥。He flew at his brother like a crazy person.他疯了似的扑向他哥哥。A bird flew in through the open window.一只小鸟从开着的窗户飞了进来。She flew to Japan the month before last.前个月她乘飞机去了日本。They flew in over the beach, casting a huge shadow.它们从海滩上方飞过来,投下一大片阴影。She flew on a shuttle mission last year.去年她执行了一项航天飞行任务。 |