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词汇 拐角
例句 A car came round the corner.一辆汽车绕过拐角开了过来。There are beggars on every corner asking for spare change.每个拐角都有乞丐在讨零钱。The car takes the corners very smoothly.汽车平稳地驶过一个个拐角Slowly he inched around the corner, signalling for the others to follow.他慢慢地移步转过拐角,示意其他人跟上。Claire stared after him until he disappeared around a corner.克莱尔一直注视着他,直到他消失在拐角Turn right at the corner.到了拐角向右转。He hurried around the corner.他匆匆绕过拐角This corner would make a good location for a gas station.这个拐角将是设立一个加油站的好地点。The usual mob of teenagers were standing on the corner.又是那帮青少年站在拐角的地方。I negotiated the corner on my motorbike and pulled to a stop.我骑摩托车顺利通过拐角,然后停了下来。The house is at the next corner; you can't miss it.那房子就在下一个拐角上,你不会找不到。It's the first thing you see as you come round the corner. You can't miss it.你转过拐角后第一眼就会看到它,不会错过的。He broke into a run as he came round the corner.他在拐角的地方突然跑了起来。The shop is just around the corner.过了拐角就是那家店铺。Take the second right and then go straight on.在第二个拐角向右转,然后直走。Guido swung the steering-wheel round to negotiate a corner.吉多转动方向盘,顺利地通过了拐角The bank is on the next corner.银行在下一个拐角上。The car's tires squealed again as it sped around the corner.汽车快速驶过拐角时,轮胎又一次发出嘎吱声。Even on full lock I couldn't get round the corner.即便我把方向盘转到头也没法绕过这个拐角Stop at the next corner. I'm getting out.在下一个拐角停下,我要下车。Take the second right off Walnut Street.在第二个拐角向右,转出胡桃街。There was a group of idle boys standing on the corner.一群懒散的男孩正站在拐角We were surprised by what we saw when we walked around the corner.走过拐角时,我们被看到的一幕惊呆了。The road is a succession of hairpin bends, hills, and blind corners.这条路上急转弯、坡道和死拐角一个接一个。The corners aren't square.拐角不是直角。We turned the corner and there was the cathedral, towering in front of us.我们转过拐角,便看见大教堂高高耸立在面前。Judy lives in that nice house on the corner.朱迪住在拐角的那幢漂亮房子里。The car turned the corner and was lost to our view.汽车绕过拐角我们就看不见了。He came around the corner blindingly fast.他绕过拐角,速度快得惊人。You have to shift as you drive around the corner.拐角时要换挡变速。The line of people went out the door and wrapped around the corner.人们相继走出大门,绕拐角走去。I was blinded by the sun as I came around the corner.走过拐角时,我被阳光照得眼睛昏花。She had a skid running around the corner and fell on the wet floor.她跑过拐角时滑了一下,摔倒在潮湿的地板上。The photographer stopped clicking and hurried around the corner.摄影师停止按动快门,匆匆绕过拐角Turn right at the first corner.在第一个拐角向右转。




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