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词汇 拐弯
例句 The car sideslipped as it rounded the curve.车子拐弯时向侧面滑去。The automobile slowed down to go around the curves in the road.汽车在路上拐弯时放慢了速度。Turn off at the signpost for Attlebridge.在路标处拐弯去往阿特尔桥。He walked down the street, then turned the corner.他沿街直走,然后在街角处拐弯The overloaded wagon complained at each turn.超载的货车在每次拐弯时都吱嘎作响。Peter drove jerkily, cornering too fast and fumbling the gears.彼得开车一顿一顿的,拐弯太快,换挡也是笨手笨脚。Hold tight when we go round the corner!拐弯时请抓好把手!With a front-heavy car, it's a struggle to take a corner.驾驶一辆重量集中在头部的汽车拐弯,可费劲了。Soon the truck came into sight around a bend and on an upgrade.不一会卡车就出现在一个拐弯和上坡处。Turn there at the church.在教堂那儿拐弯The car swerved crazily, and plunged off the road.汽车莫名其妙地突然拐弯,冲出道路。The policeman reprimanded the driver for turning without a signal.警察训斥司机不打信号就拐弯The car wheels screeched as they curved and bounced over the rough broken ground.车轮在坑坑洼洼的路面上拐弯和颠簸时发出尖锐刺耳的声音。This car corners well.这辆车拐弯很灵敏。You forgot to indicate before you made your turn.拐弯前忘了开转向灯。I think we must have gone past the turn.我想我们肯定过了那个拐弯了。You go around a bend and the farm is on the right.拐弯之后农庄就在右边。As he rounded the curve he saw her standing by the gate.拐弯的时候看见她站在大门口。Should I shift gears before making a turn?拐弯之前该不该换挡? I turned too sharply and ran into the curb.拐弯太急,撞到了路沿上。As they came around the bend several riders bit the dust.拐弯时几个骑手摔倒了。The car took the curve much too quickly.那辆汽车拐弯太快了。The driver failed to negotiate a bend and ran into a tree.司机没能顺利拐弯,撞到了树上。The two boys ran foul of one another in turning a corner.两个男孩在拐弯时彼此相撞。The train began to slacken for a curve.火车在拐弯前开始减速。Hold on to the seat in front when we go round the corner.我们拐弯时要抓牢前面的座椅。The museum was in a side street leading off from a road of shops.博物馆是在一条商店林立的马路拐弯的横街上。The river curves and then straightens out again.河道拐弯然后又变直了。The driver was so distracted that he missed the turn. 那个司机心烦意乱的,都忘了拐弯It's not a powerful car but it corners well.车子的马力不是十分强劲,但是拐弯性能很好。Morgan was killed when he lost control of his car in a curve.摩根的车子拐弯时失控,因而丧命。They gave up the chase, losing sight of the car as it turned the corner.汽车拐弯消失了,他们就放弃了追赶。




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