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词汇 fire up
例句 We were fired up for the concert.我们对音乐会充满热情。By the end of the meeting the sales team were all fired up and eager to start selling.会议结束时,销售组的成员一个个都热情高涨,迫切地想开始做推销工作。We had an argument about it and she got all fired up.我们就此事发生了争执,她大动肝火。I fired up my computer and got down to work.我打开电脑,开始埋头工作。She fires up at the least thing.她常为了一点小事而发火。The coach fired up the players with a pep talk.教练用一番鼓舞士气的讲话给球员加油鼓劲。The volcano fired up yesterday.那座火山昨天喷发了。Before we start working let's fire up the coffeemaker.在开始工作之前,让我们先把咖啡煮上。Brown was fired up about being back on the field again after his injury.布朗受伤之后满怀壮志要重返球场。Put on a helmet, fire up your engine and head out on the open road.戴上头盔,发动引擎,开上乡村干道。He fired up at the remark.他一听这话突然发怒了。The president knows his task is to fire up the delegates.总统知道自己的任务就是唤起代表的热情。The room is cold, poke the fire up a little.屋子里冷,把炉火拨旺一些。We had better fire up the furnace.我们最好把炉子生起来。I banked the fire up last night so that it is still burning this morning.昨晚我把炉火封了,所以今早火还是燃着的。We fired up the grill for the barbecue.我们点着烧烤架,开始烧烤。This system uses voice activation to fire up its web browser.这个系统使用嗓音激活方式开启网页浏览器。Mary fired up when Jim angered her.吉姆惹恼了玛丽,于是玛丽大发雷霆。She's all fired up about this new course she's taking.她对选的这门新课非常感兴趣。This wood burns so quickly that we have to make the fire up every hour.这柴火烧得真快,要使火不灭,我们就得每小时添柴。It was alarming the way she got so fired up about small things.她对一些小事情也发这么大的火,真是不可思议。This wood burns so quickly that we have to make the fire up every half hour.这种木材烧得很快,每半个小时我们就得添加燃料。




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