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词汇 fired
例句 He fired up at the remark.他一听这话突然发怒了。The gun recoiled after being fired.枪放后向后反冲。Most of the food is cooked on a large wood-fired oven.大部分食物都是在一口很大的烧柴土灶上烹煮的。I fired in the general direction of the officer's head, and missed.我朝军官头部的大致方向开了枪,却射偏了。If she got caught stealing money and she's still here, it begs the question: What would she have to do to get fired?如果她偷钱被抓住了还能在这里工作,这就让人纳闷:她得做什么才能被解雇?Riot police fired over the heads of the demonstrators.防暴警察向示威人群头顶上方开枪。She came within a whisker of getting fired. 她差一点被解雇。Airline employees have fired a warning shot across the company's bows by threatening to strike if higher pay increases are not offered.航空公司员工已经向公司发出警告,威胁说如果不大幅度加薪就要举行罢工。It was Allen who fired this rivalry with real passion.是艾伦为这场较量注入了激情。He fired the final shot but missed again.他打出最后一枪,但又没打中。The soldiers fired without provocation.士兵们无缘无故地开枪了。The police fired on protesters in the square.警察向广场上的抗议者开枪。Step out of line one more time, Peters, and you're fired!彼得斯,你再做一次出格的事,就立刻走人!She fired blindly into the mass of shadows.她对着大片阴影胡乱射击。To put it simply, he was fired.简单地说,他被解雇了。Stan has fired me before. I usually take no notice and turn up for work again the next day.斯坦以前也炒过我鱿鱼。我一般是不予理睬,第二天照常去上班。You've overstepped the mark this time, Simpson - you're fired!这一次你的行为太过分了,辛普森——你被解雇了!She fired a revolver at her attacker.她用左轮手枪向袭击她的人射击。A few random shots were fired.随意地放了几枪。The press corps was primed to leap to the defense of the fired officials.记者团获知信息后,立即声援被解雇官员。Ross said he feared that he might be fired in retaliation.罗斯说他担心自己可能遭到报复而被开除。Riot police fired tear gas canisters to disperse demonstrators.防暴警察发射催泪霰弹驱散示威人群。The shortstop fired the ball to first base.游击手把球扔到一垒的位置。A panel investigated her conduct and she was subsequently fired.一个专门小组调查了她的行为,随后她就被解雇了。The piece would then be glazed and fired in the kiln.然后这件物品要上釉并在窑中烧制。The soldier fired on a wounded man, an apparent breach of the rules of engagement.这名战士向一个伤员开枪,明显违反了交战规则。Speculation about who would be fired ran rife for weeks.有关谁会被解雇的猜测盛传数周了。She was fired for gross insubordination.她因恶劣的犯上行为被解雇了。She fired into the air as a warning.她对空鸣枪以示警告。The increase in gas-fired power stations means traditional coal ones are becoming surplus to requirements.燃气发电站的增多意味着传统的燃煤发电站变得过剩了。Government troops fired a few shots over their heads.政府军擦着他们的头顶朝天开了几枪。That man fired the fatal head shot.那人打出了致命一枪,射中了头部。The soldiers loaded and fired.士兵们装上子弹便射击。The interview panel fired questions at me from all angles.面试小组从各个角度连珠炮似的向我发问。I could have fired him, but I gave him a second chance. 我本来可以解雇他的,但是我又给了他一次机会。The whole situation has blown up in his face and he may well be fired!整个情况变得十分糟糕,他很可能被解雇!The plane was brought down by a missile fired from a fighter jet.飞机被喷气战斗机发射的导弹击落。Virtually all cooking was done over coal-fired ranges.差不多所有的烹饪都是在燃煤灶上进行的。She fired an e-mail off to her lawyer.她气冲冲地给她的律师发了封电子邮件。Beckham fired his angled shot just wide of the net.贝克汉姆射出一记弧线球,只偏离球门一点点。




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