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词汇 filming
例句 Stone is filming the final instalment of his Vietnam trilogy.斯通正在拍摄越南三部曲的最后一部。The filming is already in progress.影片已经在拍摄之中。I had a slight altercation with some people who objected to our filming.我和一些反对我们拍摄的人发生了小小的口角。Weather conditions interrupted the filming of the epic.糟糕的天气状况中断了这部史诗片的拍摄。They nixed the idea of filming in Ireland.他们否决了在爱尔兰拍摄的建议。During the filming, Curtis fell in love with his co-star, Christine Kaufmann.在电影摄制过程中,柯蒂斯爱上了同他联袂主演的明星克里斯汀·考夫曼。We thought that the process of filming might stop people from speaking their minds.我们觉得拍摄过程可能会使人不愿意说出心里话。Another measure would ban the filming of movies by pirates in cinemas.另一措施将会禁止盗版者在影院中翻拍电影。The director and the actors watched the rushes from the previous day's filming.导演和演员观看了前一天拍摄的样片。He sat in on much of the filming and early editing.他从旁参与了大部分的拍摄和前期剪辑工作。Her behaviour during the filming attracted a lot of free publicity.她在拍摄过程中的举止吸引了许多媒体对其进行免费宣传。The script was rewritten constantly during filming.在拍摄期间,剧本一直在进行修改。She spent two years researching and filming her documentary.她花了两年时间搜集素材,拍摄纪录片。The filming has been a marvellous thing for the area.拍电影对这个地方来说是件大好事。A side benefit to filming close-up shots is that your microphone will pick up clearer sound.拍摄特写镜头的一个额外好处是,麦克风的录音会更清晰。The images were captured by TV crews filming outside the base.这些影像是电视剧组人员在外景地拍摄的。Except when they were filming, the two actors avoided each other like the plague.除了拍摄的时候,这两位演员相互之间就像躲避瘟神似的避而不见。Painful memories were dragged up for Tina during the filming.在拍摄过程中蒂娜又被勾起了那些痛苦回忆。During the film's production, the director wanted to shoot a riot scene but the filming was blocked.在影片摄制期间,导演想拍摄一个暴乱场面,但是被禁止了。The film is so clumsily written it's amazing anyone thought it was actually worth filming.这个电影脚本写得太拙劣了,竟然还有人认为它值得拍成电影,真是匪夷所思。He was left stewing at home in Barry, South Wales, during filming.在电影拍摄期间,他被留在南威尔士巴里的家中,闷闷不乐。She's in Zimbabwe filming a documentary for the BBC.她在津巴布韦为英国广播公司拍摄一部纪录片。The director took me on as a messenger while they were filming in my village.他们在我们村子里拍片时,导演雇我当通信员。We'll begin filming next week.我们将在下周开拍电影。Her mother and sister acted as chaperones during filming.在电影拍摄过程中,她的妈妈和姐姐作为监护人照顾她。Quite by chance, a TV crew was filming in the area when the accident happened.十分凑巧,事故发生时,一个电视摄影队正在该地区拍摄。We hope to start filming next week.我们希望下周开始拍摄。The filming imposed an additional strain on her.拍摄任务使她承受了格外大的压力。The controversial experiment involved secretly filming a group of children.那个有争议的实验涉及对一群儿童的秘密拍摄。Natasha attached herself to the film crew filming at her orphanage.娜塔莎对在她所在的孤儿院拍摄电影的工作人员缠住不放。A camera crew was filming her for French television.一个摄制组正在为法国电视台摄制有关她的节目。To insure accuracy, three consultants worked closely with the producer during filming.为了确保影片内容精确,在拍摄过程中有三位顾问与制片人密切合作。She spent two years in South Florida researching and filming her documentary.她花了两年时间在佛罗里达州南部做研究,拍摄纪录片。In spite of problems, we kept on filming and hoped it would come good in the end.尽管有问题,我们还是继续拍电影,希望能有个好结局。




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