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词汇 疫苗
例句 You need to have the DTaP vaccine before you can enroll in school.注射白喉、破伤风和百日咳疫苗后方可入学。They argue that the possible risks attached to such vaccines vastly outweigh any advantages.他们认为这些疫苗可能存在的风险要远远超过它们带来的益处。Vaccines have virtually eliminated many childhood diseases.疫苗实际上已消灭了很多儿童疾病。The monkeys had been immunized with a vaccine made from infected cells.这些猴子已经注射了由受感染的细胞培养而成的疫苗Up to this point in time, mankind has not been able to develop a vaccine for EBOLA.到目前为止,人类还没有发明遏制伊波拉的疫苗Make sure that your immunisations are up to date to lessen the risk of serious illness.要确保接种最新的疫苗,以降低患上严重疾病的危险。More vaccines are needed to replenish our stocks.还需要更多的疫苗来补充我们的储备。Doctors worried that there would not be enough vaccine for everyone who needed it.医生担心没有足够的疫苗给每个需要的人。The vaccine had been produced by an unconventional technique.疫苗是用非传统工艺生产的。She was the first human guinea pig for the vaccine.她是这个疫苗的第一个人体实验者。We need to persuade parents that almost all vaccines are harmless.我们要说服家长,几乎所有的疫苗都是无害的。There have been problems with the formulation of the vaccine.疫苗制剂存在一些问题。The vaccine prevents reappearance of the disease.疫苗能防止这种疾病卷土重来。Do we know enough about the safety of these vaccines?我们对这些疫苗的安全性有足够的了解吗?All parents should have their children immunized.所有父母都应给孩子打疫苗We vaccinate all the animals that come to our shelter.我们给所有到我们收容处来的动物都接种了疫苗Travellers to India are advised to get vaccinated against infectious diseases such as typhoid before they go.建议去印度旅行的人在出发前打疫苗以防止染上伤寒等传染病。The vaccination doesn't necessarily make you completely immune.接种这种疫苗并不一定能完全免疫。His research eventually led to the development of a vaccine.他的研究最终培养出了一种疫苗A new vaccine is under development.疫苗正在开发中。You must make sure that your dog is vaccinated against illness.你必须确保你的狗接种预防疾病的疫苗The vaccine is effective against the most common strain of the disease.疫苗可以有效防范这种最常见的疾病。We are doing studies to see if we can give children enough vaccine in two doses.我们正在研究是否可分两次给儿童注射足够剂量的疫苗Painful typhoid injections are a thing of the past, thanks to the introduction of an oral vaccine.自从发明了口服疫苗后,令人痛苦的伤寒疫苗注射就成为了过去。The vaccine will not give you swine flu.这种疫苗不会让你染上猪流感的。The vaccine protects babies and children against tuberculosis.这种疫苗能防止婴幼儿染上肺结核。Apart from vaccines, there is no known way to protect against meningitis.除了使用疫苗外,还未发现别的预防脑膜炎的方法。In certain rare circumstances, these vaccines could activate disease.在极少数的情况下,这些疫苗会激活疾病。The vaccines were kept cool in refrigerators.疫苗放在冰箱中冷藏。The vaccine was given to the patient orally.那种疫苗是让病人口服的。A polio vaccine is recommended before travelling to high-risk areas.建议去小儿麻痹症高发地区旅行之前,先要注射小儿麻痹症疫苗When he tested an early vaccine on himself, some described the act as foolhardy.他在自己身上试验一种初期疫苗时,有人说他蛮干。He had to get two booster shots at his latest checkup.在最近一次体检时他不得不打了两针疫苗加强剂量。Have you been vaccinated against yellow fever?你接种过预防黄热病的疫苗吗?The tests proved the vaccine to be effective.实验证明这种疫苗是有效的。Looking to the future, though, we asked him what the prospects are for a vaccine to prevent infection in the first place.不过,展望未来,我们问到他研制出防止感染的疫苗究竟有多大的可能性。Doctors in Colorado, like doctors everywhere else, did not have enough of the vaccine.科罗拉多的医生,一如其他各地的医生,也没有足够的疫苗Have you had your child vaccinated against whooping cough?.你给你的孩子打过百日咳疫苗了吗?All the children have been immunized against polio.所有儿童都接种了脊髓灰质炎疫苗Vaccines are still in the process of being tested out.疫苗尚在试验过程中。




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