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词汇 filler
例句 It's the most perfect stocking filler for anyone who loves football.对任何喜爱足球的人来说,这个可塞入圣诞袜中的小礼物再合适不过了。Fill small holes with wood filler in a matching colour.填补小洞要用颜色匹配的木材填料。This is the main clause of the sentence, not a filler.这是句子的主句,并非填空点缀之词。It sounds like a useful filler of a gap in the market.这听上去像是能有效填补市场空白的东西。This book is a light-hearted Christmas stocking filler / stuffer.这本书是个能让人轻松愉快的圣诞小礼物。I mixed up some filler to put in the cracks.我调制了一些腻子填塞到缝里。A quick way to seal awkward gaps is to use a foam filler.封闭难弄的裂缝的快捷办法就是用泡沫填充剂。




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