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词汇 figure out
例句 Alice had to figure out how to pay the rent after Ralph spent the money on another of his hare-brained schemes.拉尔夫又想出一个愚蠢的计划把钱花掉了,爱丽丝只得动脑筋,想想如何付房租。I don't trust that guy, but I can't figure out what his angle is yet.我不信任那个人,但是我也没弄清他在打什么鬼主意。They have spent the intervening years trying to figure out what happened.这些年间他们一直在努力弄清到底发生了什么。I can't figure out the solution to this puzzle.我想不出这个字谜的谜底。Some cats are clever enough to figure out how to operate doorknobs.有些猫很聪明,知道怎样拧门把手。He figured out that you're lonely, like most widows, and he turned on the charm.他看出你和大多数寡妇一样很寂寞,所以就拿出他的魅力来了。The doctors are trying to figure out what is wrong with him.医生们正努力诊断他得了什么病。I can't figure out why he does these crazy things.我弄不明白他为什么做这些荒唐的事。He needs to sit down and figure out how many people are coming.他得坐下算一算多少人会来。The system keeps crashing and no one is able to figure out why.系统老是崩溃,谁也不知道是为什么。I can't figure out what Doug sees in her.我不知道道格看中她什么。I haven't quite figured out where she's at on that issue.我还没弄清她在那个问题上的真正立场。She figured out many ingenious ways to crook her boyfriend.她想出许多巧妙的方法来欺骗她的男朋友。They're trying to figure out the politics of this whole situation.他们正试图弄明白整个情形背后的权术争斗。I'm trying to figure out a way to do it.我正努力找到一个做这件事的方法。I can't figure out why they ridicule this constructive suggestion.我弄不懂他们为什么嘲笑这一建设性建议。She couldn't figure out who put a tail on her.她猜不透谁派人盯她的梢。I spent all of last night trying to figure out how much this wedding is going to cost me.我昨天整晚都在计算这次婚礼我要花多少钱。There are programs that will help you figure out what's wrong with your PC, and help you correct it.有程序可以帮助你找出你的个人电脑哪里出了问题,并且帮你纠正它。The police haven't even managed to figure out a motive.警方甚至还没有搞清楚作案动机。It took me the longest time to figure out how to work the sunroof in this car.我费了很长时间才弄懂怎样开关这辆车的活动车顶。Consult the conversion table to figure out the weight in kilos.查查换算表,计算出以千克为单位的重量。Children mold figures out of clay.孩子们用黏土塑造人像。They believe he'll figure out a way to make it work.他们相信他会想出办法让它发挥作用。She had not yet figured out what she was going to do.她还没有决定要干什么。UN negotiators have figured out a plan which they hope will be acceptable to both sides.联合国谈判代表已制定出一个方案,他们希望双方都能接受。I can't figure out why he said that.我弄不懂他为什么要说那句话。The first thing you'll have to do is figure out a way of earning the money.你要做的第一件事就是想办法赚钱。I'll try to figure out how much it'll cost.我会试着算出需要花多少钱。Father is trying to figure out his tax.父亲在设法计算出他的税额。The plumbing contractor will figure out how much radiation you need.装管子的承包商将会算出你这儿需要供多少暖气。It took them about one month to figure out how to start the equipment.他们花了约一个月的时间才搞清楚如何启动这一设备。Using this software, a driver can now figure out the quickest route from A to B.通过使用这种软件,司机现在可以找出两地间最便捷的路线。No one could figure out how he got to be so wealthy.谁也不知道他怎么会变得如此富有。The cost of living figures out at $300。生活费合计为300美元。I can't figure out why she got into such a state of inflammation.我弄不懂她为什么会如此激动。Troy was very clever for his age and had already figured out ways to outsmart her.以他的年龄来说特洛伊非常聪明,早就想到了骗过她的妙计。We have to figure out what went wrong with the experiment.我们得搞清楚实验出了什么问题。Scientists should figure out how to keep the natural world from mucking up the affairs of people.科学家应该想办法防止大自然扰乱人类的活动。Try to figure out what feeling underlies your anger.努力找出你的愤怒之下潜藏的情感。




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