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词汇 and how
例句 As I thought about Mel and David and how similar they were, it occurred to me to introduce them to each other.我正在想梅尔和戴维以及他俩多么相像,就想到要介绍他俩认识。How much was fact and how much fancy no-one knew.几多虚实,无人知晓。How do birds know when to migrate, and how do they find their way back home?鸟类是如何知道何时迁徙,它们又是如何找到归家之路的呢?I know how to darn, and how to sew a button on.我会打补丁,缝纽扣。They took the time to talk about the loss of Thomas and how their grief was affecting them.他们慢慢谈到了托马斯的死和悲痛给他们带来的影响。He explained the project to me and how my job fits in.他向我解释这个项目以及我的工作如何与之相适应。Linguistics is the study of language and how people use it.语言学研究的是语言和人们如何使用语言。The book analyses why women kill and how the law treats them.该书分析了女性杀人的动机以及法律对此是如何规定的。Most of us are in a muddle about what and how to eat.我们多数人搞不清该吃什么、怎么吃。Many of the prisoners have told of the terrible conditions they were kept in and how they were beaten.许多囚犯讲述了他们牢房的恶劣条件以及被殴打的情形。People are far more sensible about what and how much they drink these days.现在的人对喝什么、喝多少都讲究多了。The book analyses why women kill and how the law treats them.这本书分析了女性为何杀人以及法律如何对待她们。He'd learned the way how to defend himself and how to get even.他学会了自卫和不让别人占便宜的办法。The doctor gave me explicit instructions on when and how to take the medicine.大夫详细地告诉我该何时服药以及如何服药。This chapter discusses power, and how people use it.这一章节讲权力,以及如何运用权力。The success of a relationship depends largely on how compatible two people are and how well they communicate.一段关系是否成功,很大程度上取决于两个人之间是否能和谐共处,好好地沟通。She remembered the day her father had walked out on them and how her mother had just sat on the stairs and cried.她仍记得父亲离弃他们出走的那一天,她母亲就坐在楼梯上哭泣。How many of the candidate's policies are real intentions, and how many are just window dressing?这些候选人的政策中,有多少是真实的意图,有多少不过是装点门面的东西?A good birth depends not so much on who you are but where you are and how much you know.好的出身与其说是取决于你的身份,还不如说是取决于你的生活环境和知识水平。What should you feed a puppy and how often?你要用什么东西喂小狗,多久喂一次?We are reminded just how small and how impermanent we are.它让我们意识到我们有多么渺小,我们的生命是何其短暂。What you do for a living is critical to where you settle and how you live, and the converse is also true.你的谋生方式将决定你的居住地点以及生活方式,反之亦然。Tell us when and why you started your business and how you went about setting it up.告诉我们你是何时出于何种原因开办了自己的企业,又是如何着手创建的。You may have questions which you wish to raise. For instance, who will oversee your work and how will feedback be given?你们可能有问题想要问,比如说,由谁监督你们的工作以及如何传达反馈意见呢?I mean, look at how many people watch television and how few read books.我是说,你瞧看电视的有多少人,看书的又有几个。She still talks about your wedding and how perfect it was.她现在说起你的婚礼都觉得它是那么完美。Know how to care for others and how to protect yourself even more.人心存良善,更应懂自保。Other subjects covered included nerves and how to overcome them.所涉及的其他主题包括焦虑及如何克服。What exactly is colour-blindness and how do you find out if you have it?究竟什么是色盲?怎样才能判断自己是否是色盲?Music students learn how to add other parts to a given tune, and how to modulate to a related key.音乐学生学习给一个现有的调子配上其他各部,还要学习怎样转成和声调。Next term we will study plants and how they grow.下个学期我们将学习植物及其生长过程。Did you consider your mother and how she's going to feel about you leaving?你考虑过你母亲吗?对你离开她会怎么想?How much was fact and how much fancy no one knew.几多虚实,无人知晓。People wanted to know how they had blundered into war, and how to avoid it in future.人们想知道他们是怎样稀里糊涂地陷入战争的,以及日后该如何避免重蹈覆辙。Consult your owner's manual for information on what oil to use and how often it should be changed.该使用哪一种油以及多久需要更换一次,请查阅你的用户手册。There should be some identification of goals, and how far these have been achieved.应该对目标加以明确,并确认完成情况。Broadly, it makes connections between ideas about healing and how they link to plants.笼统说来,它将治疗理念和如何与医疗设备相结合联系了起来。At the border you will be asked your destination and how long you plan to stay.到达边境时,你会被问及你的目的地以及打算逗留多长时间。What you do for a living is critical to where you settle and how you live — and the converse is also true.一个人的谋生手段对于其居住地的选择和生活方式来说有着至关重要的影响,反之亦然。Researchers are pushing back the frontiers and opening doors to reveal why things happen and how things work.研究人员正在开拓研究领域,使得认识世界万物发生的原因和机制成为可能。




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