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Once-thriving villages stand deserted and in ruins.昔日繁荣的村庄今遭废弃,满目疮痍。The album sees them reliving past glories but not really breaking any new ground.这张专辑使他们重温了昔日的辉煌,但实际上没有任何新的突破。Present power cuts more ice in diplomatic relations than past virtue.今日的权力较之昔日的美德更能在外交关系中奏效。He put forth his hand to his former opponent in token of goodwill.他伸手给昔日的对手表示友好。Let's go back to Brighton, for old times' sake.为怀念昔日的时光,让我们回布赖顿吧。They hope to restore the old theater to its former glory. 他们想重现老剧院昔日的辉煌。Some of the younger pop bands try to imitate their musical heroes from the past.一些较年轻的流行乐队极力模仿心目中昔日的音乐巨星。We spent an enjoyable evening chatting about old times.我们畅谈着昔日时光,度过了愉快的一晚。Suburbia is a sadder place than of yore.郊区比昔日更为糟糕。There are fears that he may be trying to resurrect the old secret police.人们担心他可能在试图重新起用昔日的秘密警察。The images provoked strong surges of nostalgia for the days of yore.这些影像勾起了对昔日时光的强烈怀念。The former criminal had transmuted into a national hero.昔日的罪犯变成了民族英雄。The bravery of past warriors was celebrated in song.以歌曲颂扬昔日武士的英勇事迹。Miranda felt a wistful longing for the old days.米兰达非常怀念昔日时光。Once you're better you'll soon be back to your old self again.一旦你有所好转就很快会回复昔日状态的。Jimmy Dorsey's big band music used to fill the ballroom at this one-time lakeside resort.吉米·多尔西的大乐队音乐过去常常响彻这处昔日湖畔胜地的舞厅。The beautiful art reminds us of the glory of the empire.璀璨的艺术使我们想起昔日帝国的辉煌。The house is a treasure chest filled with artifacts from a bygone era.这所房子简直是一座满装着昔日手工艺品的宝库。The palace has now been restored to its original splendour.宫殿经过修葺,如今已恢复了它昔日的辉煌。See the automobiles of yesteryear at the Hayes Museum of Industry.参观一下海斯工业博物馆里昔日的汽车吧。It's just like the old days.就像昔日一样。He is but the ruin of what he was.他现已沦落,不复有昔日的风貌。She accused her former friend of being a backstabber.她指责昔日的朋友是背地里说坏话的人。The death of the former movie star passed unnoticed.这位昔日的影星悄然离世。It will cost millions of pounds to restore the castle to its former glory.恢复城堡的昔日辉煌需要花费数百万英镑。The old man told stories of bygone days.老人讲了昔日的故事。The reunion gave us a chance to renew old friendships.这次重聚给我们提供了重续昔日友谊的机会。A former politician has been appointed Chancellor of the university.一位昔日的政治人物被委任为大学校长。The reunion is an opportunity for the soldiers to remember their past glories.这次重聚给了老兵们一个缅怀他们昔日赫赫战功的机会。His sweetness in friendship increased as the old will to power sloughed off.他昔日的那种权力欲消退了,对人的友爱亲切之情也就增加了。This former mining town is now an unemployment black spot.这个昔日的采矿小镇现在成了失业重灾区。She still has a hint of her former beauty.她还有一点昔日的风韵。The former star was now seen as excess baggage.昔日明星现在被视为过气人物。The glittering ceremony conjured up images of Russia's imperial past.辉煌的典礼让人联想起俄罗斯帝国昔日的景象。The old ruins give only a hint of the city's glorious past.人们仅能从这些古老的残垣断壁中看到一丁点的这座城市的昔日辉煌。The former East End wild child is now a positive goodie-goodie and has been arguably United's best player this season.昔日伦敦东区的这位纨绔少年如今成为了一个好孩子,可以说是本赛季的最佳运动员。Her paintings pay homage to women artists of the past.她的画作推崇昔日的女性艺术家。Janet invited LaToya to a recording studio in Minneapolis last week in an attempt to end the three-year silence between the pair.珍妮特上周邀请拉托亚去明尼阿波利斯的一处录音棚,试图和昔日的搭档在断绝来往三年后重新恢复联系。Grandpa tells wonderful stories about the old days.爷爷会绘声绘色地讲述昔日的故事。He broke with his former friends and colleagues when he decided to support the conservative candidate.由于决定支持保守派候选人,他与昔日的朋友和同事都决裂了。 |