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词汇 female
例句 The office staff are almost exclusively female.这个办公室的职员几乎清一色全是女性。To be female is not a disability; it is just a particular way of being human.身为女性并不意味着不便;这只是人类一种特定的存在形式。Although individuals vary widely, the bones of the average female skeleton are smaller and lighter than the male.尽管个体差异很大,但一般来说,女性的骨骼与男性相比更小、更轻。During the time she is paired to a male, the female allows no other males to copulate with her.雌性与雄性配对时,雌性不允许其他雄性与之交配。Bruce Willis plays a lippy cop battling it out with a female partner.布鲁斯·威利斯扮演一个言辞莽撞、与女搭档唇枪舌剑的警察。He was accused of blasphemy for declaring the Godhead to be female.他因为宣称上帝是女性而被指控亵渎神明。He was last seen leaving a restaurant with a female friend.最后一次有人看见他是和一个女性朋友一起离开餐馆。A strong female presence has been a badge of honour for Scotland's legislature.女性成员多一直是苏格兰立法机构荣誉的象征。Margaret Thatcher made history when she became the first female British prime minister.玛格丽特‧撒切尔成为英国首位女首相时创造了历史。She rejected the traditional female roles of docile daughter and dutiful wife.她拒绝传统的女性角色,不愿意当温顺的女儿和贤慧的妻子。The Amazons were a race of female warriors.亚马孙族是一个女战士的种族。It is easy to tell when a female is ready to mate.很容易辨别雌性动物何时准备交配。The all-female yacht crew made history by becoming the first to sail round the world.这艘游艇的船员为清一色的女性,她们进行了首次环球航行,创造了历史。The female passenger was infuriated over the cheeky proposal that the taxi driver made.计程车司机向女乘客提出了一个厚颜无耻的建议,让她很生气。A female puppet appeared on the stage.一个女木偶出现在舞台上。The female rattlesnake warns off intruders by making a loud noise.雌性响尾蛇发出很大的声音警告入侵者不要靠近。Corwin has several female friends, and says his wife has never been jealous.科温有几个女性朋友,他说他妻子从不吃醋。The show is aimed specifically at a female audience.这部剧专门面向女性观众。Some scenes in the movie risk alienating a female audience.这部电影中的某些场景可能会使女性观众不爱看。Male and female adults mate, the female lays eggs, and the cycle begins all over again.成年雄性和雌性交配,雌性产卵,周而复始。Do you agree that male and female roles are becoming blurred?你是否同意男人和女人的角色差别正变得越来越模糊?Many employers are only too ready to exploit and underpay female part-time workers.许多雇主很会剥削兼职女工,付给她们很微薄的薪水。The issue of abortion rights is obviously not the only factor affecting the female vote.堕胎权问题显然并不是影响女性选票的唯一因素。The male mated with the female. = The male and the female mated.雄雌动物交配。It crossed my mind that I was the only female coach on the committee, but that made me more determined than ever.我忽然想到我是委员会里唯一的女教练,但那样反倒更坚定了我的决心。A hen is a mature female chicken, more than ten months old.母鸡是十个月以上、发育成熟的雌性鸡。She claims that society is still characterized by male domination and female subordination.她宣称社会的特点仍旧是男尊女卑。Many mothers schooled their daughters in the myth of female inferiority.许多母亲把男尊女卑的错误观念传给了她们的女儿。The difference between male and female roles within the house has become blurred.家庭中男女角色的差异已经变得模糊了。Many companies deal with their female employees in a way that undervalues them.许多公司轻视女员工。Over half of the staff is female.半数以上的职员是女性。Her female characters often have strong, important relationships with other women.她笔下的女性角色通常都与其他女性有着牢固而重要的关系。There is a preponderance of female students in the music department.在音乐系里女学生占大多数。She is buffing up for her role as a female boxer.为演好女拳击手的角色,她正在健身。The female role has been downgraded altogether in the drive for greater equality.在争取更多平等的运动中,女性角色就整体而言遭到了轻视。The female shark's hunger was white-hot.雌鲨饿得要发狂了。Our ultimate objective is to have as many female members of parliament as there are male.我们的最终目标是要让议会里的女性议员和男性议员数量一样多。Sewing is considered a female occupation.缝纫被认为是女性的职业。The heifer uttered a peculiar cry with which female cattle preluded their fights.小母牛发出一声怪叫,母牛群就开始斗了起来。In Ancient Greece an oval face was the ideal of female beauty.在古希腊,鸭蛋脸是女性美的极致。




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